MSNBC Compares Battery Life of Current Droids

The bionic with its latest update has much improved battery life!
I agree it might be a lil too early for battery life tests...but how is the test a fail because of the unlocked G Nex when all the rest of the phones are LTE?

I will say tho that I normally go by Anandtech battery life tests. Phone Arena at times too.

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I just meant that they were testing 4G LTE devices and yet they put a phone in the results that isn't 4G, not that the test was a failure.

It's still too early to test the Nexus battery though and even then I still got 11 hours today on a full charge with 4G all day. If they improve that through software tweaks, then we're looking at a 12+ hour day, which is pretty great honestly considering the screen size/hardware + LTE.
For what its worth, I've been getting pretty good battery life. I haven't had any problems making it through a day. Friday I had just 3G turned on while I was at work, and had about 65% of the battery left with admittedly only light usage throughout the day. Today I used it a bit more and had the LTE radio on for a good part of the day.

So far the battery life has been much, much better than my Sprint HTC Evo 4G, even with WiMax turned off.