GRASSINATOR said:Perhaps you can assist please. I have been trying to install this ROM on a D2 for quite some time to no avail. Status 7 - Installation aborted
Thought perhaps that it might have been a bad download so I retried 3 different times but have been unsuccessful. I have, as always, triple wiped data/cache/dalvik and have even gone to the extent of formatting the system, data and cache. All with no luck. I have .sbf'd back to 1FF-p2a_droid2_cdma_droid2-user-2.3.4-4.5.1_57_DR4-51-120117-release-keys-signed-Verizon-US.sbf - Confirmed root, re-downloaded from the Steel Droid thread here on Droid Forums and still same result. Any assistance or advise would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!
You're on 2.3.4? Is that rootable now? If you have root you should be able to flash whatever but Motorola is different. I'm on 2.3.3 and have no troubles. I never did the ota. Backup then wipe everything and try again. I'm using the unthemed d2 steel Droid.