I recommended yourmuze just a few days ago in a thread, did you hear about it from me?I use YourMuze its a website where you can search for internet.radio (streaming stations) and ad.them to your personal list.then.go to m.yourmuze.com and play them through you stock browser on any phone .And I have a big list of stations already but when I hit the homescreen button it kicks me out of the stream and stops the music. hmm I've been tryin some other stuff but haven't got it yet will report back if I figure out a way. Thanx all
Either way, I've been using moodio.fm (now yourmuze.fm) for years on my BB and now on my droid, adn unfortunetaly the answer is NO.
With yourmuze, as soon as you do anything else, the music stops. I kid you not, the browser must be displayed on your screen since it plays through the browser, believe me, I've tried everything you cna't multitask with yourmuze.