Hey Everyone-
First off, thanks for working through all of this with me. I appreciate how helpful everyone in this community is!
I just went to the VZW store. I get through explaining how the issue started when I put the phone into landscape mode by sliding the keyboard and all that. The guy (Steven) pops out the battery, of course I inform him I tried that "a thousand times"... the display came on. Somehow it worked? So my custom all-white bootscreen with black droid comes up, steve looks at me confused. Then he shows it to all his co-workers "damn have you guys seen this before, what's going on with this dudes phone?". Finally the Liberty bootscreen comes up, and Steve gets it. He looks up at me "hey, wait is this rooted? is this custom stuff in here?". I'm not going to lie to a man to his face. I say yes and he says that VZW would probably charge me if I tried sending it in through him. Well considering it was working I wasn't about to send it in at catch a $299 charge. I wanted to run home and RSD this thing and get the goodies off of it so I can THEN send it back.
So I leave the store, phone working. I'm walking back here, I open the keyboard to respond to a text and BOOM screen dies again. Clearly it's something with the phone being in landscape mode. So I pull the battery and it doens't come back on! I had figured perhaps because I was turning it on with the keyboard open (thus landscape) to hit the Up-arrow key to get into bootloader that was the problem, and thats what Steve did differently, he had the keyboard closed and it worked for him. But either orientation wasn't working. So I put it back in my pocked and completed the 15 minute walk back here to come post to you all.
Now, inexplicably my phone is working. I dare not open the keyboard. In both occasions the phone worked after being on and not being touched for 15 minutes (the walk there and back). It's my only explanation as to how Steve was able to get it to work, but me doing it over and over again did not. And then I eventually did get it to work after "giving up" on it so to speak and just letting it sit in my pocket.
Where to go from here? Well as I said, I want to get this bad boy back to stock, because I still think there is a hardware issue going on. I didn't change anything from a ROM or software standpoint in over 2 weeks so I don't think this was caused by software. I'm trying to think of a way to use RSD, WITHOUT opening the keyboard. That (for some reason) seems to be the root of my problem. How can I get into boot recovery without holding up-arrow? Liberty has a "recovery safe mode" setting that causes each reboot to boot into bootstrap. Would that work?
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the lengthy post!