My Droid 1 Timeline (Replacment Issues)


New Member
Oct 19, 2010
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Launch Day >>>>> Ran out and got a Droid I

End of 1 st month >>>>>> Loved my Droid I

End of 2nd month >>>>>> Convinced close to 30 friends and family members to get droid 1's, since i loved mine so much.

Month 3 >>>>>>> Still love my droid, but many friends and family members complaining about issues with there's. I think they are all crazy and do not know how to use their phones

Month 4 >>>>>>> Many of my friends and family members have returned or replaced their droids. I notice my droid starts turning it self off occasionally. Spent this month trying to figure out if it was something i was doing.

Month5 >>>>>>> Droid is turning itself off atleast 3 times daily. I have no clue it is off until i go and check it. End up performing a restore and issue still persists.

Month 6 >>>>>>> Phone still keeps shutting itself off after it's been restored twice. Go to my verizon store they tell me to call tech support. Called tech support and they walk me through restore of unit. Issue goes away and phone appears to be fine.

Month 7 >>>>>>> Noticing a lot of missed calls and text messages. Figure out phone is not alerting me for notifications. All other multi media works such as youtube and etc. Same month sd card stops working. Got new sd card still has same issue.

Month 8 >>>>>>> Still dealing with all the issues with SD card, no sound and now phone starts truning itself off again. Contacted Verizon customer support Restored phone again. Told by Verizon techs upport rep that i was authorized for an exchange and to go to the Verizon store they would send my phone back and then send me a new one.

Month 9 >>>>>>> Since i was awaiting my daughter to be born i held of on getting it exchanged for this month because i did not want to be with out a phone at all.

Month 10 >>>>>>> Took the phone into Verizon they tell me they are shipping me a new phone. This was a friday night. I was told the phone would arrive on Monday.

Monday no phone comes

Tuesday >>>>>>> Happy to have this ordeal over and done with my refurb comes. I tear it open and as soon as i do find that the metal pins that connect to the battery are bent. Phone powers on though. I honestly considered saying screw it and just keeping it until i read the refurb warranty card that came with the phone.

Called Verizon asked if i could go to a store and just get a trade in. Their response "no" we will next day you another refurb.

The more and more i think about it now, im really angry. I paid 299 bucks for my phone. Had issues with it. Get stuck with a refurb phone with a shadey warranty and the new refurb phone itself was sent broken non the less.

If these people can't even ship a phone out that so clearly has a defect how the heck am i suppose to believe that the next one i get will be ok?

Maybe something on the inside is screwed up that i can't see.

If i have one issue with the 2nd refurb, i'm demanding a new phone. I feel as if i should have been offered one by this poitn anyways.
I'm all for returning a substandard product, but "the battery pins are bent, the phone still powers on"?

Sounds like nitpicking.

And for the record, you can demand all day long, but in the end, the only thing they are required to do is keep sending you CLNR phones.

I battery pins were bent yes. One completly pushed in. I'm suppose to accept this?

The phone does power on and honestly i did think about just keeping it until i found out the warranty was only 90 days since my MFG is almost up.

It was also the first thing i saw as soon as i opened the package. Your telling me a quality assurance tech looked at this phone for even one minute and declared it ok, when it took me 1 second to see there was an issue?
I'm all for returning a substandard product, but "the battery pins are bent, the phone still powers on"?

Sounds like nitpicking.

And for the record, you can demand all day long, but in the end, the only thing they are required to do is keep sending you CLNR phones.

@ $300.00 for the original phone and $200.00 bucks a month to Verizon for cell phones yes i think i have the right to nit pick whatever the heck i want and they should care.
@ $300.00 for the original phone and $200.00 bucks a month to Verizon for cell phones yes i think i have the right to nit pick whatever the heck i want and they should care.

Since your mind is made up, you dont really need us. Good luck, and welcome to the forum.
I don't understand why you buy a BRAND new product then to have it go bad on you within 2-3 months time and you get hosed with a Refurb??? Didn't I pay the price of a NEW item not a Refurbed item??? I had to deal with this after I bought a 23" monitor! In the end I got hosed!!! Ended up having to send it in 2 times too!
I battery pins were bent yes. One completly pushed in. I'm suppose to accept this?

The phone does power on and honestly i did think about just keeping it until i found out the warranty was only 90 days since my MFG is almost up.

It was also the first thing i saw as soon as i opened the package. Your telling me a quality assurance tech looked at this phone for even one minute and declared it ok, when it took me 1 second to see there was an issue?

No, you don't have to accept it if you don't want, that's up to you. Question is does it affect performance? If not then I'd say maybe you're being a bit fussy.

I can tell by your time line that you probably didn't do a lot of searching on how to fix your issues in the first place. Did you use a task killer? Did you ever clean your app caches? Did you ever perform a factory data reset?

Or did you just wait until now to come to the forum and use it as a sounding board? We could have probably helped you months ago.
I battery pins were bent yes. One completly pushed in. I'm suppose to accept this?

The phone does power on and honestly i did think about just keeping it until i found out the warranty was only 90 days since my MFG is almost up.

It was also the first thing i saw as soon as i opened the package. Your telling me a quality assurance tech looked at this phone for even one minute and declared it ok, when it took me 1 second to see there was an issue?

No, you don't have to accept it if you don't want, that's up to you. Question is does it affect performance? If not then I'd say maybe you're being a bit fussy.

I can tell by your time line that you probably didn't do a lot of searching on how to fix your issues in the first place. Did you use a task killer? Did you ever clean your app caches? Did you ever perform a factory data reset?

Or did you just wait until now to come to the forum and use it as a sounding board? We could have probably helped you months ago.

Actually yes i do use task killer and no i do not frequent these boards. Normally i frequent the Android forums. I did spent a lot of time trying to figure out on my own how to fix the issues, stopping by verizon stores and calling tech support.

To be honest i was not upset about these issues until now. They were things i worked through. The straw that broke the camels back was this issue with the refurb.

I did not call Verizon and complain and was not rude to any of their reps. I instead came to these forums posted. I figure they have customer service reps who read these boards and would possibly attempt to contact me.
The reason he asked about the task killer is because they are known to cause a lot of problems with the phone. Verizon seems to believe they are necessary but they are not and that might have been the cause of some of your issues. You might want to uninstall it
The reason he asked about the task killer is because they are known to cause a lot of problems with the phone. Verizon seems to believe they are necessary but they are not and that might have been the cause of some of your issues. You might want to uninstall it

I used advanced task killer. Is that one of the ones causing issues? This is the first i have heard of this? Maybe i should of been in these forums.

It was determined the sd card thing was a hardware issue as well as the sound which eventually fully went out.
The reason he asked about the task killer is because they are known to cause a lot of problems with the phone. Verizon seems to believe they are necessary but they are not and that might have been the cause of some of your issues. You might want to uninstall it

I used advanced task killer. Is that one of the ones causing issues? This is the first i have heard of this? Maybe i should of been in these forums.

It was determined the sd card thing was a hardware issue as well as the sound which eventually fully went out.
Hardware issues do happen but task killers can lead to slow downs, force closes as well as a handful of other issues. Here is a good link to look at

This forum is the only owners manual you will ever need and there are plenty of people that are willing to help. Most issues do have a solution
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The reason he asked about the task killer is because they are known to cause a lot of problems with the phone. Verizon seems to believe they are necessary but they are not and that might have been the cause of some of your issues. You might want to uninstall it

I used advanced task killer. Is that one of the ones causing issues? This is the first i have heard of this? Maybe i should of been in these forums.

It was determined the sd card thing was a hardware issue as well as the sound which eventually fully went out.
Hardware issues do happen but task killers can lead to slow downs, force closes as well as a handful of other issues. Here is a good link to look at

This forum is the only owners manual you will ever need and there are plenty of people that are willing to help. Most issues do have a solution

Nice, i wonder if you could be right about some of those issues i was having. I honestly refused to believe it was the phone. The hardware issues i had definitly were not related but i'm willing to bet something like this had to do with the reseting and possibly the notification issues.

Thank You for the link too. My new droid should be here tomorrow providing there are no issues with it i deifnitly will use your link. Thank You
No problem, good luck with your new phone. I've dealt with a couple of refurbs myself so I know it can be frustrating. If you have an issues, this is the place to come for the answers.
No problem, good luck with your new phone. I've dealt with a couple of refurbs myself so I know it can be frustrating. If you have an issues, this is the place to come for the answers.

Thank You, either way im here for good lol
No, you don't have to accept it if you don't want, that's up to you. Question is does it affect performance? If not then I'd say maybe you're being a bit fussy.

I'm the kind of person that keeps their electronics in mint condition (to the best of my ability) so that when I get something new, I can sell the old one for as much as possible. Returning a near mint phone condition phone with a hardware defect only to receive a phone that is not mint condition, even though it may work the same as one, is not an equal trade off. I would be "fussy" because its money out of my pocket.