Verizon Replacement/Droid Problem!

I had the same problem...I'm actually only on my first refurb...its messed up though because the keyboard on my original is different than the one on this refurb....I hate this flat keyboard the bubbled one was awesome...any way I called and talked with them...of course in the nicest way possible...explained I have no third party apps installed but my phone is jumping around and the only eay to fix it is to remove the battery for more than 5 minutes. I also explained that its not the same phone I purchase because the kb is totally different. I also explained that I'm not playing this game of constantly sending phones back and forth. They are letting me get the droid x come the 15th

Lucky.. but how was the keyboard different on the same model of phone? And how long did you have this replacement for?
No, that's not the solution. The OP would have the same issues.

The problem really isn't with the Droid. What the OP is describing as hardware issues are more likely apps causing issues with his OS. OP, do you have any virus protection or task killers? If so I recommend getting rid of them. Also simple things like turing your Droid off and on will also help.

In almost every case I've seen of multiple returns like this it has to do with the person who owns the Droid not really understanding how the OS works. OP I'm not saying that in any attempt to put you down, far from it, I'm just sharing my experience of what I've seen from others who have had issues like this.

One or two Droids could be bad. But 4 or 5? I don't think so.

No offense taken at all. I appreciate your advice. But this device I'm on right now, I just received it Wednesday afternoon. I decided to take my friends advice and keep it completely stock for a week, and than install one app at a time, and play with the device for a while before I install another app. Well, that plan got derailed last night when the device just started really acting up. After a little over a day of having this device, it started acting up, which was yesterday around 4pm. And remind you, I haven't installed any apps at all, only thing I did was sync and pair my Jawbone, that is all. After about 3 hrs of the device being off, I turned it on at about 7pm and it was still acting up. So I call VZW, they tell me to master reset. Only issues I had after the master reset was the app menu taking like 3 seconds to open, and after exiting an app by tapping my home button, it would take like 5 seconds for my home screen to fully appear. Let me remind you, I have dozens of friends & co-workers that have Droids and other Android devices, when I play with their devices, their devices perform flawlessly. And I have one buddy that has over 200 apps on his device, problem free and very fast still.

It just boggles my mind. I've seen many people get Droids and stepped them through it and an adjustment here or there and problem solved.

You sound though like you didn't just step off a Droid boat so to speak. I suppose it's possible. I don't know what else to say. If it was me I'd be looking at another device too, I'd be discouraged.

Yes, I'm not just making things up. LoL. When the Droid is working, it's a great phone and I feel it really fits me, I feel like it's a device that was custom made for me, it's that great. The only time I want to throw this phone is when I can't open up any apps I need, or it takes me like 5 attempts to finally slide the unlock button. I will NEVER go back to WinMo, I don't feel the iPhone fits me to well, Palm has definitely let me down in the past, I honestly like BB but Android is clearly better. And besides, getting another device would be a hefty price, which I definitely think would be unfair for me to have to get rid of the device I actually like & pay hundreds for a device I don't like as much. I love the Droid and I'm not giving up on it at all.
the same thing has happened to me, I'm on my 4th (3rd refurb) and every one of them had some issue with it within the first month. It looks like i've finally found a keeper, but it's taken a while. But the thing that drives me crazy is every time i call customer service the pretty much tell me it's something I'm doing because apparently in their eyes i enjoy having to reinstall all my apps and ship my old phone back to them.
If I start having problems with this one I am going to go in there and demand either a brand new droid, or the X, even though I highly doubt they'd let me upgrade for this reason alone.

Happens all the time in my store with any smartphone. customers constantly come in and say "my blackberries a piece of crap" and it always ends up being operator error.

that maybe the case in your situations, but when I spend an hour in the store with customer service and another hour on the phone with their customer service and still don't have a solution for my problems I don't believe it's something i'm doing.

Well yeah I know what Im doing so I usually fix any issues that people have when they come to my store instead of just issuing a replacemnt.. I wasnt trying to offend you I was just letting you know. :)
Being honest, and I might sound crazy, but I'd prefer to have my Droid over the X. I'm just a guy that demands a physical keyboard. But at the same time, I've played with Incredibles and the X for a few hours, and I like the on screen keyboard much more than the Storm, which is the device that completely drove me away from devices without keyboards. I'm not trying to scam VZW over get a freebie, I honestly just want a perfect Droid.

I know your not trying to scam anyone but trust me theres alot of people that do try lol But just call and fight with them the worst they can say is no.

Worse case scenario, they'll just send me another refurb, and I'll just be praying it works properly. Last night when I talked to the tech, he tried to make it seem as if I was doing something wrong, as if I was lying about not having any installed apps. He asked me to reset the device, even though there was basically no need to because I hadn't installed anything. He asked me to go to the VZW store to get it checked out, which I'm going to do in a while. I'm pretty sure he was probably angry at me because I've called VZW 5 times for replacement devices and he thinks I'm the problem.

This morning, I woke up and powered the device, it was still messing up, so I reset it. Now it's working good perfect, but I just know sometime later on today it will start acting up. And I have a Droid I can't even customize. Still sucks.
Being honest, and I might sound crazy, but I'd prefer to have my Droid over the X. I'm just a guy that demands a physical keyboard. But at the same time, I've played with Incredibles and the X for a few hours, and I like the on screen keyboard much more than the Storm, which is the device that completely drove me away from devices without keyboards. I'm not trying to scam VZW over get a freebie, I honestly just want a perfect Droid.

I know your not trying to scam anyone but trust me theres alot of people that do try lol But just call and fight with them the worst they can say is no.

Worse case scenario, they'll just send me another refurb, and I'll just be praying it works properly. Last night when I talked to the tech, he tried to make it seem as if I was doing something wrong, as if I was lying about not having any installed apps. He asked me to reset the device, even though there was basically no need to because I hadn't installed anything. He asked me to go to the VZW store to get it checked out, which I'm going to do in a while. I'm pretty sure he was probably angry at me because I've called VZW 5 times for replacement devices and he thinks I'm the problem.

This morning, I woke up and powered the device, it was still messing up, so I reset it. Now it's working good perfect, but I just know sometime later on today it will start acting up. And I have a Droid I can't even customize. Still sucks.

Unfortunately alot of times it is "operator error" so that probably why the rep didnt really believe what you were saying lol You should of just said your a member here at Droid Forums he wouldve stopped and just asked for the address you want the replacement sent to lol
I know your not trying to scam anyone but trust me theres alot of people that do try lol But just call and fight with them the worst they can say is no.

Worse case scenario, they'll just send me another refurb, and I'll just be praying it works properly. Last night when I talked to the tech, he tried to make it seem as if I was doing something wrong, as if I was lying about not having any installed apps. He asked me to reset the device, even though there was basically no need to because I hadn't installed anything. He asked me to go to the VZW store to get it checked out, which I'm going to do in a while. I'm pretty sure he was probably angry at me because I've called VZW 5 times for replacement devices and he thinks I'm the problem.

This morning, I woke up and powered the device, it was still messing up, so I reset it. Now it's working good perfect, but I just know sometime later on today it will start acting up. And I have a Droid I can't even customize. Still sucks.

Unfortunately alot of times it is "operator error" so that probably why the rep didnt really believe what you were saying lol You should of just said your a member here at Droid Forums he wouldve stopped and just asked for the address you want the replacement sent to lol

LoL. No, if I would've told him that, he would've accused me of rooting my Droid, lol.
Worse case scenario, they'll just send me another refurb, and I'll just be praying it works properly. Last night when I talked to the tech, he tried to make it seem as if I was doing something wrong, as if I was lying about not having any installed apps. He asked me to reset the device, even though there was basically no need to because I hadn't installed anything. He asked me to go to the VZW store to get it checked out, which I'm going to do in a while. I'm pretty sure he was probably angry at me because I've called VZW 5 times for replacement devices and he thinks I'm the problem.

This morning, I woke up and powered the device, it was still messing up, so I reset it. Now it's working good perfect, but I just know sometime later on today it will start acting up. And I have a Droid I can't even customize. Still sucks.

Unfortunately alot of times it is "operator error" so that probably why the rep didnt really believe what you were saying lol You should of just said your a member here at Droid Forums he wouldve stopped and just asked for the address you want the replacement sent to lol

LoL. No, if I would've told him that, he would've accused me of rooting my Droid, lol.

No the rep was probably a member as well and you would have instant report' with him haah
Unfortunately alot of times it is "operator error" so that probably why the rep didnt really believe what you were saying lol You should of just said your a member here at Droid Forums he wouldve stopped and just asked for the address you want the replacement sent to lol

LoL. No, if I would've told him that, he would've accused me of rooting my Droid, lol.

No the rep was probably a member as well and you would have instant report' with him haah

LoL. Man, I just hope I can get this whole situation solved. Since I have many things going on today, I'll just wait til tomorrow when I'm free. I'm gonna stay in the store for hours, and I'll keep them on the phone for hours. Eventually, something will give.
LoL. No, if I would've told him that, he would've accused me of rooting my Droid, lol.

No the rep was probably a member as well and you would have instant report' with him haah

LoL. Man, I just hope I can get this whole situation solved. Since I have many things going on today, I'll just wait til tomorrow when I'm free. I'm gonna stay in the store for hours, and I'll keep them on the phone for hours. Eventually, something will give.

You should be ok I think theyll give you a new one if you make a stink but who knows
Well, just to keep you guys updated on the situation, my Verizon Android experience is still going downhill. I received Droid #5 and it worked great, but once I installed my 2.2 update VZW sent me, things went south. The phone started being laggy, but I just decided to deal with it, hoping it would improve over time, but that didn't happen. Last week, my Droid started having screen problems. Sometimes when I would press the power button, the screen would not come on. I had to remove the battery just to get it to come on again. Yesterday the Droid decided to completely give out, you can see some background light coming on, but I can't get any picture on the screen, even when booting. So I went into VZW yesterday, I tried to explain my experience to the rep, but he was unable to give me any attention because he was handling my Droid and was on a call at the same time, bad customer service if you ask me. But anyways, Droid #6 is on it's way. Great job VZW!