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I think I read 100 ft. Outside any wind screws with it and sunlight will mess with the IR control. So you have to fly in zero wind and at dusk. Haven't tried mine outside (yet).
Yeah it makes for a decent fan. My wife says I should hover it over her when she rides her exercise bike. It does require a light touch, but after a bit you can fly it in the smallest room of the house.
Have fun!
Xcountry that is some skill you got there! @OP i believe i have the same one as you (but in red), not sure of the brand, it may be a knockoff. Got it from it does have the gyroscope like yours, really makes for some precise movement, very fun to fly around, gets my cat curious still to this day.
how did i ever miss that. "oh my thats a slow a-- boat.... HOLY MUTHA F ..."
we got brushed stampede (old school prolly 1st or 2nd generation) and brushless slash with Green Mamba in it, both down for repair and bigger savings!
Got 1 of these heli's for christmas I suck or its a POS. Says Brookstone on the controller with PHANTOM II on the cockpit sides... fun, but my chiwiennie hates it. She just hears the whine of the power coming on with no prop movement yet and she's all over it like stink on poo..
reminding myself never to let xcountry fly me in a heli... I couldn't tell at first weather you was a outta control or not, but figure it never hit the ground so it must have been all you. KUDOS