Average users on both sides do that. They think that their device was the first to have it. Apple had pinch to zoom first and other things that android has now. And honestly most android users dont care, just look at the samsung devices I assure you many may have looked at it and thought "hmmm this looks similar" but do not know about samsung making the hardware for apple. My point is that people really dont care. So to argue with them about who had what first is a waste of time to the average user. And trust me every device has its issue. Apple may have had antennagate, but the thunderbolt had battery and reboot issues, charge had the website issues, and the bionic has issues as well. And part of the reason the iphone has as many updates is to correct issues. But android have their issues as well and that is the other side of technology. It all looks good in a lab, but when every day users add in other factors then issues arise. And LTE, though fast, still have some problems particularly with hand off issues and we have seen it on every lte device vzw has released and I am already expecting it on the NeXus prime.