its just WRONG, most of the time
I'm the OP. And, for more info: I live in a non-descript area. Not under a tree, or on a windy hill. And, I have had (for years) an Oregon Scientific gizmo that has an indoor and an outdoor source. A RF signal is sent from the outdoor unit to my office. The outdoor unit is under an eave, on a part of the house where it can only register the actual outdoor air-no direct, or reflective sun, no wind, no rain, etc. Right now it is 53 degrees, and the BW weather says 49, which is about as close as it ever gets. If it were always that close, I wouldn't even notice it, but usually, when its not raining, it will say 46 when its 53, or similar. I guess mebbe someday an app will drop that is more accurate.
also remember this important point. While you are sitting at your shaded house or by the pond or at the lake or wherever you may be the temperature being displayed is from the nearest airport weather source. Of course the temperatures at airports is always higher due to direct sun exposure all the time. Night temps are more accurate.
Anyway.........who lives at the airport?? Always found that odd when weather men/women give temps for the airport
I'm the OP. And, for more info: I live in a non-descript area. Not under a tree, or on a windy hill. And, I have had (for years) an Oregon Scientific gizmo that has an indoor and an outdoor source. A RF signal is sent from the outdoor unit to my office. The outdoor unit is under an eave, on a part of the house where it can only register the actual outdoor air-no direct, or reflective sun, no wind, no rain, etc. Right now it is 53 degrees, and the BW weather says 49, which is about as close as it ever gets. If it were always that close, I wouldn't even notice it, but usually, when its not raining, it will say 46 when its 53, or similar. I guess mebbe someday an app will drop that is more accurate.
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