Name of App that helps you close apps you're not using to save Battery (Manager)

How about instead of telling the nice lady 100 times over and over that she doesn't need the class, give her some good advice in things to do that WILL help her gain more battery life. Such as, check what you have may not need google books, or calendar, or picasa, or gmail for that matter. Maybe she has another email set up that is polling every 5 mins when she doesn't really need it to check that often. Maybe her screen brightness is set higher than she needs and she's not aware that she can adjust that down a bit to save some life. Just a few ideas that are actually helpful vs putting down Verizon to promote your android knowledge would be nice.

Maybe because she asked about task killers and was given answers related to task killers and their function? You can't really fault people for giving her information based on what she asked and not going off on another thread about battery life (which there are threads already). The fact of the matter is people gave their opinions and then followed up with the information that you should not trust what verizon tells you, which is accurate information as evidenced by the op. The patronizing tone of your post really is not necessary. I'm sure that last line made you feel good about yourself inside, but its really not conducive to anything positive.
Maybe because she asked about task killers and was given answers related to task killers and their function? You can't really fault people for giving her information based on what she asked and not going off on another thread about battery life (which there are threads already). The fact of the matter is people gave their opinions and then followed up with the information that you should not trust what verizon tells you, which is accurate information as evidenced by the op. The patronizing tone of your post really is not necessary. I'm sure that last line made you feel good about yourself inside, but its really not conducive to anything positive.

First off, I wasn't being patronizing so grow some skin. Secondly, I went back and re-read every post to see if maybe I was inaccurate in my assessment. There were exactly 4 posts with relevant information to her question, and three of them said the same thing. Every other post just echoed that task killers suck, Verizon is stupid and please read the forums for knowledge. Well, she is asking questions on the forum, so how about give her some knowledge? Merry Christmas to you...sorry if I hurt your feelings.

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Haha it's the internet dude, no feelings involved. There's just no need to be a jerk. You should chill out and smile more. It's good for your heart.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk