Dear sydman, please accept my condolences on the loss of your grandmother. You were blessed to have her in your life and I am sure she will always be in your thoughts. Have a safe trip and we'll be waiting for you when you return. :hail:
Thank you very much FoxKat, and everyone for all of your help and thoughts. Yet again my phone was a life saver for me. I had to pick my cousin up from the airport all the way in Hartford, CT from Lake George, NY. On the way there she told me her flight was delayed and she was going to have to fly into White Plains, NY, so I re-routed there.
On my way there she told me that flight too was delayed and she was now having to fly into New York City, so yet again another route change. Not being from up here my lovely Droid Razr Maxx and Google maps got me to all of those places with out a single hitch in the trip. So driving from 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM we finally have her here and safe for the services tomorrow.
I have not added up the miles yet but it has to be well into 600 or so and that might be low balling it. This phone is great and while I did have it plugged in for a bit while running Google maps it was on battery most of the time and only down to 50%. I love this phone and this forum, thank you guys and gals.