need to stop original Droid from prompting to update to 2.2


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I've seen a few posts on this for "rooted" Droids, but not for a "stock" Droid.

My wife's Droid recently downloaded the 2.2 update a few days back and after installing, it then broke connectivity to her MS Exchange Server 2007 at work(something to do with requiring client cert's(tried EVERYTHING !)).

BTW...the problem is on the exchange-server side, so merely enabling the "Accept all SSL cert's" doens't help...that's only for 'self-signed' cert's

After about 4+ hours of tinkering, I found a stock firmware 2.0 image and successfully uploaded it and then proceeded to to install the 2.1 file.

So far, so good, and email is working again("Happy wife...Happy life"). Now she is constantly getting the update notification for 2.2 and has to hit 'later' about every 10-15min.

Until I can convince the IT-staff at her office to turn off the client cert's requirement(not even used, but somehow enabled?!?!?), we're desperately looking to just disable the constant annoyance of the 2.2 update since it has re-downloaded and looking to install the update again.

I can replicate the issue using the Motoral Android emulator...fails every time when tyring to connect to her mail-server, but works just fine when connecting to my work & home mail-servers.

I'm really not looking to solve the problem of the email-connectivity right now, just wanting to stop the annoying update-reminders.

Any thoughts or ideas out there ?
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can you delete the systemupdater.apk?

another way is to root and flash SPRecovery which will cause the update to fail when trying to install (have to let it download first)
From what I read earlier, they're already pushing a second update called 2.2.2 that is supposed to address exchange issues. I know that doesn't help you immediately, but I saw a thread earlier where people were already finding the update after going to settings>about phone, so help may already be on the way.

Emitted from X.
Thx for the insight...looking forward to testing the 2.2.2 update for the SDK (if it actually shows up there?)

Still kinda chicken to update the physical phone to 2.2 only to venture into the 'unknown' of if/when the 2.2.2 patch will then get pushed to the actual device since her job is so reliant on her having connectivity to email.

BTW...even stranger is that my Droid-X with either 2.1 or 2.2 **can** connect to her mail-server just fine. So that kinda tells me that the problem isn't specific to the overall Android 2.2 release, but rather something with the VZW/Moto-Droid 2.2 release...or am I off-base here ?
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All that anyone can tell you is root or wait for the update. The problem is that annoying nag screen that keeps popping up, so rooting may be your best option; as soon as the 2.2.2 update is available on site I'm sure there will be a news story on it and then you can manually update to it and see if it fixes the issue. If it doesn't you'll probably HAVE to root.
Well, my persistence paid off and I was able to convince the on-site IT staff to implement the changes to disable client-cert's to their Exchange server and ...VOILA ! All is right with the world...until at least, there's the next Android update ;)'s a great tool to help diagnose problems with ActiveSync & Exchange servers ->
My Droid 1 is rooted, and SPS does indeed stop installation of the update. It does not, however, stop me from being re-prompted every couple of days. In order to get rid of the prompt I have to go through the failed install procedure and re-boot. That isn't a big deal for one phone, but we have 4 855s. It's freakin' annoying, is what it is.
Anyone know of a way to kill this thing? I would delete the .apk on my own phone, but I can't find the sucker.
My Droid 1 is rooted, and SPS does indeed stop installation of the update. It does not, however, stop me from being re-prompted every couple of days. In order to get rid of the prompt I have to go through the failed install procedure and re-boot. That isn't a big deal for one phone, but we have 4 855s. It's freakin' annoying, is what it is.
Anyone know of a way to kill this thing? I would delete the .apk on my own phone, but I can't find the sucker.
Sorry if you've already answered this, but why do you want to stop the update? If it's a specific problem we might have a specific solution.
delete the .apk on my own phone, but I can't find the sucker.
Sorry if you've already answered this, but why do you want to stop the update? If it's a specific problem we might have a specific solution.[/QUOTE]

Because I don't want vanille Froyo on my phones, and I'm tired of being prompted to install it. That's a specific problem.
Because I don't want vanille Froyo on my phones, and I'm tired of being prompted to install it. That's a specific problem.

lol, you are really trying to buck the system. Root or upgrade, that's your choice. It is a mandatory update. Want your freedom? Root.