Need your Input!


Theme Developer
Theme Developer
Jul 13, 2010
Reaction score
Ok im wanting to start a new theme soon, after i tie up a few things with the black and white theme. First off i hope you guys enjoy the work i do, i know my stuff cannot possibly be appealing to everyone, and that is fine i completely understand. So i have decided to hear it form you guys as far as the direction i should take my next theme.

Should i mix and mash a couple of my current themes?
Should i alter one of my current themes?
Should i do a completely new concept? if so what?

Any suggestions are welcome, these were just a few to get us started :)

thanks in advance guys/gals
Something completely different.

Something that could easily be changed into multiple colors.

Something simple with a single color or similar colors.

Simple unified icons.

That's my .02¢
I think a new different theme would be awesome. I like the black and white one most but they are all kind of similar. Maybe a totally new one that uses a single color (I like red) and maybe some glow or transparency.

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I would say something new. Something with 2 maybe 3 colors tops. No single colors. You have three of those now(if I'm counting correctly). I wouldn't mind seeing some cyan in a theme.

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i liking the ideas so far guys keep them coming, ill go with what seems to be the most popular..may even post some screenshots of different ideas that you have suggested...
I would love to see a theme inspired by the new Tron movie. Soft glowing edges and transparancies with the ability to choose colors (white, green, red, orange, etc.) I would buy you a beer for that. :)
I would love to see a theme inspired by the new Tron movie. Soft glowing edges and transparancies with the ability to choose colors (white, green, red, orange, etc.) I would buy you a beer for that. :)

im liking this idea the more i think about it, and ive already had a couple requests for this type of theme, via pm... would be fairly easy to create different colors of the theme once the theme itself is created..

and no need to buy me a beer :) i would much rather see anyone donate to the developers of this rom rather than to me.. thank you for the offer though
Hey jay,
I am looking for someone that has the nohow to create a custom theme for my DROID x. I have been a musician all my life playing state to state. I would have no problem donating for a nice musician theme. If you have any ideas or know of someone. Pm me.. please. Thanks bud.


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working on this now...
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you can check the progress of this theme by checking out these screenshots every now and then..

***Screen Shots***
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Oh, I LOVE that!! You nailed what I was asking for. And I agree on the Tron font. :)
Getting very close to being done ;) was going to wait to post it until build 11 dropped but the theme is close enough to done il will be posting it sometime tomorrow

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