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Apr 21, 2011
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Newly rooted Droid 2 global using z4 root, what's next??

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL
What's next?

Newly rooted Droid 2 global using z4 root, what's next??

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL

Some suggestions- read through these forums to get more info about this stuff, then ask more questions.

First, download Koush's Bootstrap Recovery. I think it is pay in the market, but there have also been some links on here to get it free. Very first thing you do with it- MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR PHONE RIGHT NOW!!!!! This is your Nandroid Backup. It also opens your phone up so root apps can work. BTW, you can search the market for root apps- it has tons.

Then consider getting a backup app. I use AntTek App Mgr Free but most folks swear by Titanium Backup (pay.) You can backup all of your apps, but more importantly you can freeze Moto's bloatware. That all the stuff they install like Amazon, Kindle, Skype, etc. Don't delete them, just freeze them.

Then you might try SetCPU. This app changes the speed of your CPU depending on things like battery %, temperature, or whether it is charging or not. Go to their website for info on setting up profiles. A great post to read is My Battery Life Writeup in the stickys in this forum. The author gives some great tips on both of these options, plus talks about his extended battery.

If you decide to get an extended battery think about getting the app Battery Life. It gives you much more accurate readings on your battery than stock does. After these steps, MAKE ANOTHER BACKUP!!!

After that, if you so desire, you can install a custom ROM. Start out with Fission 2.4.3. It is, at the moment, the most stable. Enough changes to make it pretty and interesting, not enough to make it hard to use. Read everything you can find on here about that. Go to the Team Defuse website to learn a bit more about it. If you do go this route, when you get the ROM installed MAKE ANOTHER BACKUP!!!! You might consider hooking the phone to your computer (or use a file manager on your phone) to go into these backups and rename them. I named mine in progressive stages something like Stock & Root, Stock Root Frzn Apps, and Fission. This way I know exactly at what stage each backup is and I can go back there when I need to.

Don't know how tech savvy you are, but you are going to be reading and hearing of people who are afraid of "bricking their phones." That is always a possibility. If you try to load a ROM for another phone it will be toast. There are dozens of other ways to do it too. Don't do it- your phone will be useless. The most important thing to do is read everything you can on this forum and others. Then reread it all again and again until it starts to make sense to you. But most importantly, FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!!! Then ask more questions. Then try to make a friend or two on here that you can get in touch with for help. Maybe even get a techy friend that you have there to help you think straight. Then go for it!