Silver Member
Has anything the Government ever done that has benefited the people "except cost us bazillions", everything they have touched has turned into turd, especially our most recent Democratic party.
This has noting to do about caring about it's people, and trust me the Government NEVER cared about it's people, it only cares about it's bottom line, time to remove those rose colored glasses you are wearing.Seat belts, air bags, water quality, safe working conditions, clean environment... I can go on and on.
My guess is you have never lived under a different government who didn't care about its people?
The problem with your argument is that the cable companies are already regulate in that you cannot have competing cable providers in the same zip code.
Lol rose colored glasses? I grew up in a communist superpower, there is nothing rose about my glasses.This has noting to do about caring about it's people, and trust me the Government NEVER cared about it's people, it only cares about it's bottom line, time to remove those rose colored glasses you are wearing.
Yeah, wonderful choices. If you consider that a choice, then more power to you.Huh? I have the choice of AT&T and Comcast, plus DirectTv.
Huh? I have the choice of AT&T and Comcast, plus DirectTv.
You all have seen my posts... Yall know politically I am very Conservative. I am Usually against Govt involvement in most anything.... All of that to say that so many of my Conservative friends see this Net Neutrality as the DEATH of the internet.... I just dont understand it!! I mean you had Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast ALL rooting against this Net Neutrality because they want a piece of NetFlix action as well as setting a precedent of being able to charge MORE for fast lanes and MORE to content providers. This was nothing more than a Chicago style shakedown! I dont know WHY my Conservative friends dont see this!!
NOW the thing that is scary is IF after Wheeler is gone.... Will the Govt abuse more... I dont have the answer to that. But keeping it Open is definitely the way to go! All in all I see Wheelers move for title II a win for the little guy!
This right here is my main fear.I think it just hard for some people to say this is a good thing without having seen what the rules actually are. They might be very much in favor of the concept of net neutrality but refuse to support the unknown provided so far.
I don't care so much about Netflix and peering agreements. I care about the requirement to provide service to customers we can't service in our area. We operate a little differently than wireline services, so I cannot just run a wire tl the customer. If we deny service, under old Title II rules, we could be subject to lawsuits.
I still do not believe it is Netflix's responsibility to pay for access. The last mile provider needs to do that, otherwise, what are they in business for?
I shall read later.