As I understand it, SBF'ing does not overwrite the bootloader. There are at least four partitions that I know of. Sytem, Boot, Cache, and User data. Boot contains the software for the different modes of booting. The bootloader(efuse) is the bootstrap portion of the phone that determines what valid kernel it can load, which makes it darn near impossible to run a custom kernel. The official OTA that is downloaded will perform the overwrite of the boatloader with the crypto keys it has to tell it the newer 2.3.15 kernel is valid. Otherwise it wouldn't load after being updated. That portion of the phone can not be overwritten without those keys, and to my knowledge the SBF does not contain them, it's just an image of the SYSTEM and the BOOT partitions. Someone chime up if I'm mistaken.
Edit- Just load the SBF into RSDlite and if it says "Boatloader Version: N / A" I would say that it does not have the boatloader in it.
Edit- I just downloaded the 2.2 Full SBF and it does not have the Bootloader in it. It is saying "Boatloader Version: N / A"
How many times does this have to be said?!? The FULL 2.2 OTA SBF that was released gives users the new 30.03 bootloader! You are thinking of the system ONLY SBF that came out over a month ago.
YOU ARE USING THE WRONG SBF. The one you should be using has a size on disk of 455.56MB. You are using the SYSTEM only SBF which has a size on disk of 293.66MB
After you flash with the FULL SBF 2.2 OTA, hold down the camera button, power button and volume down button[/b] at the same time. That puts you into bootloader mode. Read what it says at the top. It will say 30.03.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
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