Tell that to people on youtube. For example, I am a professional wrestling fan(waits for wise cracks). Sometimes the small time companies simply do not tape the shows so people may use a phone to tape a dream match that otherwise would only be seen by people live at the event. Now this shouldn't fall under copyright law if the company stands to make no money off of it. Another example, my girlfriend went to a concert the other night. She took videos of a song or two I guess, but she doesn't plan to upload it to youtube or redistribute it. While she is not posting them to yt or fb, I bet you anything other people there will have recorded video from there phone and will be uploading it on yt, fb, etc. Now of course it is stupid to issue DCMA take down for copyright infringement over such footage but who knows how many people the record labels or RIAA have already taken down videos through there own power or DMCAs. This used to be called fair use, but today it is copyright infringement, so in that regard, I disagree.