New Blackberry to Droid 2 convert with question


New Member
Aug 17, 2010
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Hello all. Great forum here! Learned a lot in the past day.
I have 1 question though (so far). With my blackberry, I could start typing the contact's name from the dial pad to quickly call them.
Is this possible with the driod 2 dial pad? If I go to the dialer, I'd like to be able to type out the contact's name right off the bat... In stead of first going into my address book.
hit the search button and start to type the contacts name. Or Slide out the key board and do the same. On my X which has hard buttons I can long press the menu button to activate the keyboard, then type.
I think I understand what you mean. Use Search INSTEAD of going into the phone app...
You tried sliding open the keyboard and typing a name?

You tired hitting the search button and typing a name?

Go to Menu/Settings/Search and select what items are searchable.
Perfect.. thanks for the help.. Sometimes its the easy things are get you.