try this smali edit:
worked for me back when froyo first came out and wouldnt sync with my exchange.. it makes the phone ignore the security requirements on the server. of course, at your own risk...
I am just now updating to frg22d OTA and will begin working around the policy requirements.. however I urge you to at least use pattern lock, it's for your own good. think of the data that is in your droid, now imagine it all being stolen.
I couldn't get that to install (probably because I don't have Clockwork recovery?) Anyway, I'm looking for a fix for our corporate users without rooting their phones.
I agree security is a huge deal, but this really needs to be fixed and personally I think the password/pin should only come up when entering the email program. And if it is such a big deal, why is this the only phone forcing this broken policy? hmmmm
I've tested out Touchdown, and while it is ok, I think the average user will be lost trying to use it. besides that, why should they have to pay for something that the phone already does.
The quest continues