I finally ditched my Blackberry Storm 2 (9550) last week. I've had my Droid X for a week now and one word comes to mind....WOW! I had posted on another website that I was unsure if I should purchase the X for $49.99 (free shipping and not taxes) or spend the extra $200 on the Thunderbolt. After all the positive replies, especially from other former Blackberry Storm 2 owners, I decided that I did not need the extra power or LTE (No LTE in my area) so I purchased the X. Man is this thing fast compared to my BB Storm 2. Even with the BB OS stripped down to the bare essentials and custom hybrid BB OS, the X still runs circles around it.
I received my X last Thursday and thanks to all the info in the forums, the first thing I did was root and install Bootstrap Recovery to create a back up. I just installed the Wireless Tether app so that I can use my X as a wifi hotspot for my Android tablet. ROMs are next!
A couple of the basic BB features that I used a lot such as assigning a custom TXT/SMS/EMAIL ringtone were not available in the stock X without installing a third party app. But after I installed some apps I had those features back!
For those of you who are coming from a Blackberry, here are the apps that helped me get back some of the BB functionality.
Hide It Pro - FREE - Hides Folders/Files
WhoIsIt Lite - FREE - Assign custom ringtones to TXT/MMS/Email
I use Hide It Pro for sensitive work related docs (not porn LOL!) and WhoIsIt helps me prioritize my important TXT, MMS and E-mails. With 200+ e-mails plus several texts a day this is a must. Also, if you use CaptureIt or any other screen capture app on your BB, you will need to root your Android device in order to get any screen cap app working. I'm using ShootMe on my X.
I've already installed 40+ apps/games and this thing does not slow down!
A lot of people complain about the X's battery life, but my BB Storm 2 required a charge by 2p in order to make it through the work day. I unplugged my X at 7a this morning and now it's 9p and I'm currently at 30% with what I consider moderate use. The first few days it did seem like the battery ran down faster, but that was only because I couldn't keep my hands off the X!
Thanks for all the great info you guys have on these forums.
I finally ditched my Blackberry Storm 2 (9550) last week. I've had my Droid X for a week now and one word comes to mind....WOW! I had posted on another website that I was unsure if I should purchase the X for $49.99 (free shipping and not taxes) or spend the extra $200 on the Thunderbolt. After all the positive replies, especially from other former Blackberry Storm 2 owners, I decided that I did not need the extra power or LTE (No LTE in my area) so I purchased the X. Man is this thing fast compared to my BB Storm 2. Even with the BB OS stripped down to the bare essentials and custom hybrid BB OS, the X still runs circles around it.
I received my X last Thursday and thanks to all the info in the forums, the first thing I did was root and install Bootstrap Recovery to create a back up. I just installed the Wireless Tether app so that I can use my X as a wifi hotspot for my Android tablet. ROMs are next!

A couple of the basic BB features that I used a lot such as assigning a custom TXT/SMS/EMAIL ringtone were not available in the stock X without installing a third party app. But after I installed some apps I had those features back!
For those of you who are coming from a Blackberry, here are the apps that helped me get back some of the BB functionality.
Hide It Pro - FREE - Hides Folders/Files
WhoIsIt Lite - FREE - Assign custom ringtones to TXT/MMS/Email
I use Hide It Pro for sensitive work related docs (not porn LOL!) and WhoIsIt helps me prioritize my important TXT, MMS and E-mails. With 200+ e-mails plus several texts a day this is a must. Also, if you use CaptureIt or any other screen capture app on your BB, you will need to root your Android device in order to get any screen cap app working. I'm using ShootMe on my X.
I've already installed 40+ apps/games and this thing does not slow down!
A lot of people complain about the X's battery life, but my BB Storm 2 required a charge by 2p in order to make it through the work day. I unplugged my X at 7a this morning and now it's 9p and I'm currently at 30% with what I consider moderate use. The first few days it did seem like the battery ran down faster, but that was only because I couldn't keep my hands off the X!
Thanks for all the great info you guys have on these forums.