New Upgrade Help me pick a phone Bonic Razer Iphone???


New Member
Jul 20, 2010
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Been out of the game for awhile. I now have a droidX. I have a upgrade and dont know what to get. What is the best out there. Bonic, Razer, or IphoneS. Looks like the Razer is the same as bonic but upgraded. Leaning towards that. but really I have no idea what im getting my self into. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
Honestly it's all personal preference at this point. What is most important to you? Are there any things on your current phone you can't live without, or that you feel are missing now?

For me personally, some of the things I love about Android that aren't on the iPhone are taskbar notifications, LED notifications, ability to install non-market apps without rooting, customization, and free wireless tethering. Some of the benefits of iPhone are the super-smooth scrolling and polished user interface, form factor, lack of bloatware, and better camera (although the Galaxy Nexus camera is supposed to be a good rival.)
Im just a normal guy that uses it to play around with it and call a few people. I use the internet alot and tether. The droidx is just to buggy. I guess I am narrowing it down to the bonic or the razer. Which one would you guys pick. am I right that the razer is just basically the new bonic?
Yeah the Bionic looks a little beat, IMO. Get the Galaxy Nexus, you'll thank me later. You may not know it yet, but you'll probably hate Moto Blur and wish you had a phone you can customize, optimize and flash all the Roms and kernels you want on it. You may not care, still the Nexus will definitely age better. Nexus phones always get the updates from Google first. Plus, Samsungs screens are beautiful. It almost led me to buying a Charge (thank god I had better sense in me). You'll never have a glare problem.

But if you must have a Moto, then get the Razr.
Android is always growing, learning and maturing. Its Just buggy sometimes no matter what you do, which is the price of a open os. Its very much like windows xp in that it works very like s pc. On the other hand is ios is 99% of the time is issue free... but thats comes at The cost of dwelling in apples walled(but definetly beautiful) garden.

If you are sick of the "buginess" of your dx, and are willing to sacrifice some time you could get a 4s, jailbreak and use pdanet to get your tethering.

On the other hand if you can deal with s few growing pains(bugs) in excellent phone like my awesome bionic then it would work just as well and allow you to be more productive.

If i were selling you a phone i would think the 4S would better serve your needs than a google device.

But its your hard earned money, so good luck! And choose wisely.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
can I teather the iphone like I can my droidx. Im so lost I spent the last hour searching the fourms. I will probley have to put the iphone and the razor in a hat which ever one I pull I buy. I said I would never buy apple but I would love no issues. Make phone calls, search the web, and teather to my computer. Does this mean IPHONE?
other thing is the iphone is not 4g which is turning me off
the iphone will require jailbreaking to use "free" tethering, which can be a pain in the as*. Other than that it is a much simpler phone in general, but again at the cost of some customization, choice, and being forced to use itunes. Also apple's updates typically will break your jailbreak! The dev community and apple are almost constantly battling for control of this side of the iPhone. So you could lose your jailbreak, PDANET, and whatever else unauthorized app you pulled from cydia the next time you decide to sync with itunes so you can bump some snoop dogg on the way to french lit. Be careful!

With the RAZR you will have to "sideload" PDANET from Navigate to their site, DL the app, and DL to your device and you're done!

Like I said before, if the tethering is that important to you, then I would suggest the bionice or razr - also moto phones are going to have vastly superior signal retention, reception, and call quality. If simplicity, ease of use, intuitiveness are more important to you and you dont care about the limited "steve jobs approved" selection of apps in their app store then I would suggest iPhone. Lol this reminds me of the old PC vs MAC debate in the 90's...

Don't hesitate to post any more questions, we'll help you decide!:blink:
i say forget iPhone. The android integration with chrome desktop is great. I have the Bioninc but would probably want to get RAZR cause it's more durable.
i say forget iPhone. The android integration with chrome desktop is great. I have the Bioninc but would probably want to get RAZR cause it's more durable.

integration with chrome? Now this is something I would like to learn more about! I wasn't aware that google pulled something like that. Links?;)
I too will be up for an upgrade as well even though my Og Droid is serving me very well... And I'm on the fence as to what to get. I love customizing and romming my phone but Samsung just doesn't get good a signal in my area. Not to mention there is no 4g lte here yet. Always had a Motorola phone cuz its reliability of signal and durability, but not liking the bloatware. What to do, what to do?...
