Using that logic one can not download many apps at all, and nobody else seems to care? Thats troublesome. From what I gather in this thread you cant make most apps without it needing access to my phone number, serial number and the number of who I am calling? :frown:
Even the local TV station weather apps all want more info/access than they really need? Why is that ya think? Can it not be done without accessing phone calls or something? Cant it check data without suspicion?
And just because Tap a talk made the forum app for you is no justification for what it looks like it's doing?
It would be great if we could adjust permissions post installation that does not require root access/modifications to the phone (See voided warranty). This is what VZW and Google need to do. I wont hold my breath since VZW invented spying on customers, it seems we are all Nielson TV watchers these days.