Interesting, will definitely be watching for more details. I'm guessing NFC provides display, keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, and whatever other peripherals, are required to communicate to and from the phone. This definitely will require a powerhouse of a phone to provide a smooth user experience. I have been playing with a lapdock 100/Razr combo the last few days and truly believe these type of devices will be the next wave. Compatible Moto devices had Webtop 2.0 and Ubuntu/android OS installed on them over a year ago. Moto/VZW pulled Ubuntu with the release of ICS and Webtop 3.0. That combined with the fire sales VZW has put on their lapdock 100's this past week, leads me to believe Google/Moto and possibly in conjunction w/ VZW, have something up their sleeve for another "all in one device" similar to the Nexcrea line-up.
Someone mentioned the data load these devices will put on the networks. I am sure the devices will still be WiFi capable which will drop some of that network load. I connect to WiFi whenever I can w/ my Lapdock/Razr combo, but it is nice to know I can have an android netbook experience wherever I go.
I am very excited to see someone else expanding on this concept and hopefully it will drive others to follow.