Nexus can't use Verizon Navigator?? Is there a GPS App I can use?

Google Nav is one of my favorite parts of android! Great for when you are in a pinch, e.g. in a new city with a cab driver who doesn't know where you want to go lol! dancedroidDancingNexus

Also, I'm wondering why they didn't tell you that you had a GPS app built in to Android?!
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Spoken directions in Navigator

I was having problems having Navigator speak the directions. How do I go about doing that? Also my GNex is bluetoothed to my radio. Is there a way to have the directions spoken thru the car speakers?
Personally, with my commute in the morning (Chicago), I travel all over the city here based on who the client is I am seeing that day. I've determined that the traffic info Google provides is *at least* 15min behind the actual traffic here. Bing, unfortunately, seems to be right on top of it though and is usually more accurate. This obviously has nothing to do with Android, and just Google as a whole.
And, if your car does not have an AUX port, you can buy the cable that has a headphone jack on one end and the other end plugs into the cigarette lighter. If you explain to the salesperson what it is you want to do, they should be able to get you the right cable for your car

Wait what? What sort of cable is this????? :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:
Wait what? What sort of cable is this????? :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:

Its an RF Modulator. It uses a radio frequency so you can tune it in on your stereo. (88.1-107.9)

Sent from my rooted, ROM'd, and Safestrapped XT862
Personally, with my commute in the morning (Chicago), I travel all over the city here based on who the client is I am seeing that day. I've determined that the traffic info Google provides is *at least* 15min behind the actual traffic here. Bing, unfortunately, seems to be right on top of it though and is usually more accurate. This obviously has nothing to do with Android, and just Google as a whole.

Usually I get to destination 5-15 minutes earlier than Google estimates, but then again I once traveled 500 miles in a little over 4 hours.
Please tell me this is your first android phone and that you haven't been paying VZW for the past 2 years for their navigation service. Android comes pre installed with Google Maps and Google Navigator and they're 100% free and legal to use.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Why is it when some one asks a legitimate question people feel the need to post about how they shouldn't even be doing X they should be doing Y on forums? There are reasons to want to use one app over another. A lot of people pay for different keyboard apps even though android comes with a free one. A lot of people install Handcent even though google already provided an app. The reason is some times the 3rd party app offers something more or you just like the other one better. In my case my nexus is crashing when I use the google navigator app; I want to to try the VZ app to see if it's an app issue or a hardware issue or a combination. Plus I want to see what VW navigator has to offer. I have observed a lot of cases that google navigator will habitually pick the short mileage route on an interstate highway and ignore slightly longer routes that are off the interstate even if the interstate route has a black red traffic overlay.

I want to see if VZ navigator has an option like tom tom does where you can prefer a shorter time trip over a shorter mileage trip. I want to see if VZ has more customization options like map color themes like tom tom has.
Please tell me this is your first android phone and that you haven't been paying VZW for the past 2 years for their navigation service. Android comes pre installed with Google Maps and Google Navigator and they're 100% free and legal to use.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

I would have felt terrible for this poor guy if he actually paid for VZW navi with a droid
Why is it when some one asks a legitimate question people feel the need to post about how they shouldn't even be doing X they should be doing Y on forums? [/FONT]

I don't think he was trying to imply that the OP should use x and not y. I think he was concerned with the idea that the OP didn't know that there is free navi included with all droids.

I have observed a lot of cases that google navigator will habitually pick the short mileage route on an interstate highway and ignore slightly longer routes that are off the interstate even if the interstate route has a black red traffic overlay. [/FONT]

you can always have the nav choose an alternate route to avoid highways..
I don't think he was trying to imply that the OP should use x and not y. I think he was concerned with the idea that the OP didn't know that there is free navi included with all droids.

you can always have the nav choose an alternate route to avoid highways..

Exactly what I was trying to imply. Wasn't saying "don't use VZW navigator." I was just trying to educate the OP that there were alternatives that are free. She was upset VZW navigator wasn't on the phone, and she didn't know that a) the phone comes with navigation software, and b) its free.

Why pay for something if the included software suffices. On the other hand, once you've tried the free software, if you want to pay to use a different app, that's your prerogative.

Survivor of the Great 2011 Verizon Google Samsung Galaxy Nexus Prime Debacle and proud owner of a Galaxy Nexus and Original Droid 1/Milestone. Sent from my Sexy Lexus Galaxy Nexus.
Can't go wrong with Google navigation :)

You also have Google maps which is free and that will even give your directions for walking if needed

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
you can always have the nav choose an alternate route to avoid highways..

This is true but in general I don't want to avoid highways altogether as 9/10 of the time they are quicker, it's just frustrating when the highway has blackish/red traffic between two exits on an interstate caused by a accident right, and while you're looking at the display you can see a green road that runs parallel to the highway and you can avoid the congestion and save 45 minutes just by taking a few quick backroads. The last time it did that to me even when I got off the interstate the app was still staying "nope I really think you should turn around and get back on the interstate" and sit in parking lot.

Tom Toms have a feature (or at least they did) where you could click on the detour button and you could have it find an alternate route along any two points of your trip. It was a phenomenal feature. I can understand that feature not being in google navigation but when it 'looks' as though it ignores the traffic information it can be really frustrating. So much so that I find my self using the map app and planning my own route rather than use the turn by turn directions.
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