nexus vibrate?

"smart vibrator" app lets you change your vibrate pattern. Maybe if you make it longer it will be more noticeable? You can also customize vibe pattern for text vs. incoming calls.

I agree the OG set the bar pretty high for some of the features we look for in phones

Anybody found an app that gives you the control over the led? I havent even seen my come on yet after three days. I used ot have an app on my OG that let me customize colors to different alerts.
"smart vibrator" app lets you change your vibrate pattern. Maybe if you make it longer it will be more noticeable? You can also customize vibe pattern for text vs. incoming calls.

I agree the OG set the bar pretty high for some of the features we look for in phones

Anybody found an app that gives you the control over the led? I havent even seen my come on yet after three days. I used ot have an app on my OG that let me customize colors to different alerts.

Light Flow

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I agree the OG set the bar pretty high for some of the features we look for in phones

I agree it is set high, however for the vibrate feature (which is a standard feature that's been around and functional since basic flip phones) I merely care that the vibrate is usable. It's a very basic feature, and it should be able to be felt.

I'm now banking on the assumption that it's a software issue instead of a hardware... I really hope that proof of this is found soon!
Gone are the days of phones that could double as a jackhammer. As phones get thinner Theres no room for a large oscillator. Just got to deal with it.
Mine is pretty tight and strong but still have the in and out on the keyboard touch..

Quite Sharp indeed....
Motorola Droid Razor...
Change Vibrate Pattern

Light Flow allows you to assign colors for the LED but it also allows you to change the pattern for the vibrate.
1 short
2 short
3 short
1 short 1 medium,
or custom vibration.
Compared to my OG, when sitting on a table (especially with the case on) I barely hear the Gnex, but I have noticed that since the phone is larger and fits tighter in my pocket, I feel it better than I did with my OG.