Nintendo 64 Emulator Comes to Android Market

Ocarina of time is pretty smooth on the D2G,
goldeneye runs fine but needs a controller,
mario 64 is good,
starfox wont work,
paper mario and smash brothers (hence my name...cpt. falcon) dont load at all.
Banjo kazooie runs great,
pokemon stadium doesnt work,
diddy kong racing works,
san fran rush 2049 is good,
star wars rogue squadron doesnt get past the main menu,
duke nukem and zer0 h0ur dont work,
killer instinct gold doesnt fit to screen properly and wont accept the touch controls to attack.

Ill make a write up of these and other roms (based on my D2G, other phones are welcome :) ) when i get off work. Hoping yongzh adds a lot more compatibility and functionality!
i think your configuration has a lot to do with it also cause i can run duke nukem fine with no sound and most games i have tried worked with few issues without sound
It may be that rom gripper has some bad roms. Could also be that n64oid doesnt like how Fission runs things on my D2G. There are some variables to my phone that i havent checked out yet.