I work for a company QA'ing software on mobile devies, so I actually have 8 blackberry's, 6 WM phones, 2 Iphones, and an iPad and recently picked up couple of android phones.. I was surprised reading this as recently I was going through the market and I found all the apps I used on the iphone... also to my surprise some of the apps actually had more functionality on the android than their iPhone counter parts...
I will say that I do not tend to try editing images or video on a phone... I find it much easier to send pics or video from my phone to my computer and do any editing on my laptop. So have not really looked at that sort of app... I don't really use many of the toy type apps like making faces or flipping open a fake lighter... I do play a few games and did find some of the games, I had demo copies of on ios, full version on android for free(with ads). I am a free addict, I don't tend to buy apps and this may be where there is a difference in my use as well... So all that to say in the free app (excluding toy apps) market I found android to be very competitive and personally, for my preferences, give them the win.