Perhaps this app can help with your SMS issues. Handcent sms HomePage --sms plus software for android
This is what I use. Very nice app & highly recommended! :icon_ banana:
I just installed it to test and I have to admit that it's very nice!
Perhaps this app can help with your SMS issues. Handcent sms HomePage --sms plus software for android
This is what I use. Very nice app & highly recommended! :icon_ banana:
I have the same thing happen all the time. If you slide open the keyboard, your phone options will come back.It usually works that way but on a couple of calls to my bank, the screen would not come back, could not turn off the phone, menu buttons would not work.....had to remove the battery. And if I turn the sound off by swiping to the left on the unlock screen, it doesn't always come back. LOL
I have the same thing happen all the time. If you slide open the keyboard, your phone options will come back.It usually works that way but on a couple of calls to my bank, the screen would not come back, could not turn off the phone, menu buttons would not work.....had to remove the battery. And if I turn the sound off by swiping to the left on the unlock screen, it doesn't always come back. LOL
I am as far from a techie as you get, but the basics should work when you get a top of the line phone. It seems odd that 3 Verizon techs and 1 tech supervisor could not walk me through the process. Don't get me wrong, Verizon is the best carrier on the planet. I will try your suggestions and I hope the apps work, but it is still disappointing to have to go through this for something that should be so easy. There are other things I am unhappy with, but maybe I am not tech savy enough to fix them. The keyboard is not great, the screen brightness is not great, the camera is horrible in anything but bright sun and the touch features do not seem as responsive as they should be. The problems are probably due in no small part due to my ineptitude, but if I can find a way to text to group distribution lists i will keep the Droid since it seems to offer more than any other phone Verizon offers. Changing carriers is not an option. Thanks for all your feedback. I really do appreciate it.
I am as far from a techie as you get, but the basics should work when you get a top of the line phone.
I am as far from a techie as you get, but the basics should work when you get a top of the line phone.
You're touching on something important here though, and the all important reason for why I dumped my iPhone and got the Droid in stead. (And why I'll never look back):
Apple does basics and gloss very well. No one beats them on this. But this is also why I personally dislike them so intensely; For them to ensure that everything is idiot proof they also lock everything down, so that you can use the surface features easily and effectively, but the moment you try to delve a little deeper it's impossible. I normally put it this way; I hate Apple's attitude of 'thinking they know how I want to use my own device better than I do'.
The Droid might be a bit more complex to use at first, but the great thing about the Droid is that since it's open source and so accessible someone will cover whatever need comes along. So unfortunately, as in your case, you might be put off by the fact that the phone lacks certain features 'stock', but rest assured, the possibilities are oh so more endless with this phone than the iPhone.
I'll keep this as professional as possible, and I appreciate you starting to calm down and realize we are all here to help. But if you're going to be so passionate about your hatred of the Droid, mbraat, I'll be as passionate in defending it. Especially when your facts are about as accurate as Hellen Keller's yearly eye exam
"The problems are probably due in no small part due to my ineptitude"
This is 100% correct. Now I understand you being frustrated, and I understand that you are not a techy type of person, but most all of your points are total hogwash.
"No Group text messaging"
You are correct. This is one of those things that would seem simple, and would have been nice to be included off the bat. Not as simple as oh, I don't know, copy and paste? Or MMS? Talk about ridiculous phone that can't do that, oh wait, the iphone couldn't do that for years.. y-e-a-r-s. And much more importantly, there are at least 5 apps in the market that enable this feature, if not more. Not taking the smallest amount of time to do a search makes me not feel bad when you can't figure it out.
"Worse yet, it seemed as if they are completely new to the phone"
Verizon reps are completely new to the phone, the Droid just came out like three weeks ago.. what planet have you been living on? It's completely new to them, and us. These are Verizon reps who handle plan changes and billing issues. If you did not want to experience small growing pains from a literally brand new incredibly complex product, you should have stuck with your Razr. (Because clearly, the Razr outperforms the Droid in every way) Did you expect Google to give a free $600.00 Droid to every one of their 260,000 employees months before it was released?
"The camera performs well in bright sunlight, but don't try and take a picture inside or worse yet at night"
True, I'll make sure to grab my iphone for my pictures in the dark. I find it works best for my gallery of black hole photography. Oh wait.
One, the camera has been updated and works much better. And two, yes.. it still isn't that great, but it's a five megapixel camera.. in a phone. If you are really that concerned about quality, go buy an actual camera. No one shoots family portraits with camera phones last I checked.
"The screen is way too dark especially when you put the recommended privacy screen on"
First of all, there is no "recommended privacy screen" You just made that up. Maybe Best Buy or somewhere will try and push you on an invisible shield or something to boost sales, but there is no official recommendation for Verizon, Google, or Motorola to get a screen protector. It's up to the user, and the glass Droid screen is more than capable of taking abuse with no damage. (see the post where the guy hacks away at it with his key) I understand users wanting one, and respect their preferences and reasons for doing so, but I wouldn't be caught dead with one on my Droid. And the screen is too dark? Is your eyesight ok? The screen is brilliant.
"I can not believe this product has fallen so far short"
Clearly. I mean look at this forum, filled with thousands of unhappy, angry users who feel cheated out of their hard earned money, just like you.
"They must know there is a problem as I am told I am getting a full refund in spite of the fact I no longer have any of the packaging. What a fiasco."
They don't know there is a problem because there is none, you got a full refund because they are a damn good company (or trying to become one after their previous evil tendencies) and they are just doing what is right for an unhappy user. Even if most of his complaints are invalid.
"I have never owned an iphone, but i have used friends many times and it is so much more intuitive"
I am not married to my best friend's wife, but in the three times I have ever talked to her, she seemed absolutely perfect, whereas my wife is more human, and has small faults we have to work on together to overcome. Strange. She must actually be perfect... it's the only logical explanation based on my extensive research.
"Can you explain how the top of the line offering can't send a simple text message to a group distribution list when even the free phones you get with a contract can?"
Agreed, and in a related story, can you explain to me why my 1991 Toyota Camry can completely shift itself through it's gears automatically, while my brand new 2010 Ferrari Enzo is unable to do so?? I literally have to do it by hand, what is this? The stone age?
"I am not looking for miracles just a phone that works, a web browser, a way to text groups and a few simple apps"
Check, check, check and check. In fact, it's the "simple app" that allows you to send group text messages. I for one actually see the no built in group text messaging functionality as a bonus feature. Group messaging for anything other than announcing a new phone number to me is nothing but spam.
"Im b0r3d lol!!! sumone hit me up n chat lol, omg rogftcopter BBQ!!!!1111"
But if you're seriously only looking for the options you said above, then you really should get something else because the Droid has way more than you need.
I suggest this one:
Wait.. unless that is actually you? If so I apologize.. you're already a step ahead of me.
"Expanding a web page is even a pain in the ass."
To expand a web page, you click on the screen.. twice. Maybe your finger is broken?
"I think that the Droid is Googles way of Beta testing prior to their eventual launch into the market"
Google launched their first phone, the G-1, on October 22nd, 2008, it is now almost December 2009. "Eventual launch into the market"? Have you ever heard of Android versions 1.0, 1.5, and 1.6? Wait, do you drive a Delorian?
"but the basics should work when you get a top of the line phone"
The basics do work, you're talking about extra features that take two minutes to get working via the market.
"the screen brightness is not great"
The Droid screen is by far the most advanced, highest resolution and most powerful screen you can buy in any cell phone today. It is more than DOUBLE the iphone's resolution. Will it be surpassed in screen quality by another phone shortly? Yes. but that's not the point, your argument is invalid sir.
"and the touch features do not seem as responsive as they should be."
As they should be? The touch screen is amazingly responsive, there have been no other complaints about this. What are you trying to compare it to? An Etch a sketch?
"I am as far from a techie as you get"
This much is clear. And that's ok. There's nothing wrong with not being a tech wizard, but in that case, you should have put this phone back on the display case in the store as soon as you picked it up. This phone is more powerful and 100 times more complex than my powerhouse desktop computer less than 10 years ago. I love that the phone and Android operating system are clean and simple enough for the most non-techy people to use right off the bat, but you are clearly not tech savy at the moment to do what you want to do with this phone. But to then come on here and do nothing but complain about things you simply don't know how to do is ridiculous. That's the same thing as me scuba diving next to a great white and then complaining when he bites my leg off because I didn't know that sharks enjoy the taste of legs.
"The tactile keyboard sucks" - Ok well you got me there. But it gets much better the more you train yourself to use it. Don't want to train yourself? You're in luck. It also comes with a full on screen keyboard, just like the iphone. How could you possibly complain about that?
"The only thing the Droid does better than the iphone is make and receive calls"
You really need to stop making things up. The iphone is indeed simple to use because 1. It has to be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, and 2. It's been out for years now, so there has been way more time to work out the bugs. I don't disagree it's a very slick device, does certain things better perhaps, and at the moment has a much more vast app market. (not for long though) But I would much rather have a phone that comes clean, simple and powerful out of the box; and allows me to customize it at will rather than a phone that is designed so basic my blind grandmother can use it right out of the box.
"so I wanted the Droid to be everything that was advertised, but it simply is not"
You are exactly right sir, it is clearly not everything that was advertised...
It is so much more.
/end rant.
"I'll keep this as professional as possible, and I appreciate you starting to calm down and realize we are all here to help. But if you're going to be so passionate about your hatred of the Droid, mbraat, I'll be as passionate in defending it. Especially when your facts are about as accurate as Hellen Keller's yearly eye exam"
romeov .... absolutely classic! CLASSIC!!! LOL!!!
I apologize for reposting the message, but this is the best reply I've seen in the forum. I printed it out (so 90's). Now I'm keeping the Droid for sure.I'll keep this as professional as possible, and I appreciate you starting to calm down and realize we are all here to help. But if you're going to be so passionate about your hatred of the Droid, mbraat, I'll be as passionate in defending it. Especially when your facts are about as accurate as Hellen Keller's yearly eye exam
"The problems are probably due in no small part due to my ineptitude"
This is 100% correct. Now I understand you being frustrated, and I understand that you are not a techy type of person, but most all of your points are total hogwash.
"No Group text messaging"
You are correct. This is one of those things that would seem simple, and would have been nice to be included off the bat. Not as simple as oh, I don't know, copy and paste? Or MMS? Talk about ridiculous phone that can't do that, oh wait, the iphone couldn't do that for years.. y-e-a-r-s. And much more importantly, there are at least 5 apps in the market that enable this feature, if not more. Not taking the smallest amount of time to do a search makes me not feel bad when you can't figure it out.
"Worse yet, it seemed as if they are completely new to the phone"
Verizon reps are completely new to the phone, the Droid just came out like three weeks ago.. what planet have you been living on? It's completely new to them, and us. These are Verizon reps who handle plan changes and billing issues. If you did not want to experience small growing pains from a literally brand new incredibly complex product, you should have stuck with your Razr. (Because clearly, the Razr outperforms the Droid in every way) Did you expect Google to give a free $600.00 Droid to every one of their 260,000 employees months before it was released?
"The camera performs well in bright sunlight, but don't try and take a picture inside or worse yet at night"
True, I'll make sure to grab my iphone for my pictures in the dark. I find it works best for my gallery of black hole photography. Oh wait.
One, the camera has been updated and works much better. And two, yes.. it still isn't that great, but it's a five megapixel camera.. in a phone. If you are really that concerned about quality, go buy an actual camera. No one shoots family portraits with camera phones last I checked.
"The screen is way too dark especially when you put the recommended privacy screen on"
First of all, there is no "recommended privacy screen" You just made that up. Maybe Best Buy or somewhere will try and push you on an invisible shield or something to boost sales, but there is no official recommendation for Verizon, Google, or Motorola to get a screen protector. It's up to the user, and the glass Droid screen is more than capable of taking abuse with no damage. (see the post where the guy hacks away at it with his key) I understand users wanting one, and respect their preferences and reasons for doing so, but I wouldn't be caught dead with one on my Droid. And the screen is too dark? Is your eyesight ok? The screen is brilliant.
"I can not believe this product has fallen so far short"
Clearly. I mean look at this forum, filled with thousands of unhappy, angry users who feel cheated out of their hard earned money, just like you.
"They must know there is a problem as I am told I am getting a full refund in spite of the fact I no longer have any of the packaging. What a fiasco."
They don't know there is a problem because there is none, you got a full refund because they are a damn good company (or trying to become one after their previous evil tendencies) and they are just doing what is right for an unhappy user. Even if most of his complaints are invalid.
"I have never owned an iphone, but i have used friends many times and it is so much more intuitive"
I am not married to my best friend's wife, but in the three times I have ever talked to her, she seemed absolutely perfect, whereas my wife is more human, and has small faults we have to work on together to overcome. Strange. She must actually be perfect... it's the only logical explanation based on my extensive research.
"Can you explain how the top of the line offering can't send a simple text message to a group distribution list when even the free phones you get with a contract can?"
Agreed, and in a related story, can you explain to me why my 1991 Toyota Camry can completely shift itself through it's gears automatically, while my brand new 2010 Ferrari Enzo is unable to do so?? I literally have to do it by hand, what is this? The stone age?
"I am not looking for miracles just a phone that works, a web browser, a way to text groups and a few simple apps"
Check, check, check and check. In fact, it's the "simple app" that allows you to send group text messages. I for one actually see the no built in group text messaging functionality as a bonus feature. Group messaging for anything other than announcing a new phone number to me is nothing but spam.
"Im b0r3d lol!!! sumone hit me up n chat lol, omg rogftcopter BBQ!!!!1111"
But if you're seriously only looking for the options you said above, then you really should get something else because the Droid has way more than you need.
I suggest this one:
Wait.. unless that is actually you? If so I apologize.. you're already a step ahead of me.
"Expanding a web page is even a pain in the ass."
To expand a web page, you click on the screen.. twice. Maybe your finger is broken?
"I think that the Droid is Googles way of Beta testing prior to their eventual launch into the market"
Google launched their first phone, the G-1, on October 22nd, 2008, it is now almost December 2009. "Eventual launch into the market"? Have you ever heard of Android versions 1.0, 1.5, and 1.6? Wait, do you drive a Delorian?
"but the basics should work when you get a top of the line phone"
The basics do work, you're talking about extra features that take two minutes to get working via the market.
"the screen brightness is not great"
The Droid screen is by far the most advanced, highest resolution and most powerful screen you can buy in any cell phone today. It is more than DOUBLE the iphone's resolution. Will it be surpassed in screen quality by another phone shortly? Yes. but that's not the point, your argument is invalid sir.
"and the touch features do not seem as responsive as they should be."
As they should be? The touch screen is amazingly responsive, there have been no other complaints about this. What are you trying to compare it to? An Etch a sketch?
"I am as far from a techie as you get"
This much is clear. And that's ok. There's nothing wrong with not being a tech wizard, but in that case, you should have put this phone back on the display case in the store as soon as you picked it up. This phone is more powerful and 100 times more complex than my powerhouse desktop computer less than 10 years ago. I love that the phone and Android operating system are clean and simple enough for the most non-techy people to use right off the bat, but you are clearly not tech savy at the moment to do what you want to do with this phone. But to then come on here and do nothing but complain about things you simply don't know how to do is ridiculous. That's the same thing as me scuba diving next to a great white and then complaining when he bites my leg off because I didn't know that sharks enjoy the taste of legs.
"The tactile keyboard sucks" - Ok well you got me there. But it gets much better the more you train yourself to use it. Don't want to train yourself? You're in luck. It also comes with a full on screen keyboard, just like the iphone. How could you possibly complain about that?
"The only thing the Droid does better than the iphone is make and receive calls"
You really need to stop making things up. The iphone is indeed simple to use because 1. It has to be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, and 2. It's been out for years now, so there has been way more time to work out the bugs. I don't disagree it's a very slick device, does certain things better perhaps, and at the moment has a much more vast app market. (not for long though) But I would much rather have a phone that comes clean, simple and powerful out of the box; and allows me to customize it at will rather than a phone that is designed so basic my blind grandmother can use it right out of the box.
"so I wanted the Droid to be everything that was advertised, but it simply is not"
You are exactly right sir, it is clearly not everything that was advertised...
It is so much more.
/end rant.