Not real happy with the latest leak


New Member
Apr 11, 2012
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I know that I will probably be in the minority here but I have noticed some things that are beginning to annoy me about the latest ICS leak.

Issue 1. Much greater battery drain. With GB i was able to go all day with light usage and a bump up charge on the way home. I definitely cannot do that now. I am on Wifi all day at work and something seems to keep waking the phone up because it drains the battery quick. I have it set up exactly the same as I did before the update but something is going on. It is now almost better on Mobile data now than on WiFi. I have finally resigned myself to just using the extended battery instead of the standard one but I hate that I have to.

Issue 2. The radio seems much weaker. This is somethig that I loved about the rezound when I first got it. I came from an Incredible and I could not even make a phone call from my house reliably. Once I got the ezound it was perfrct. I could also stay nicely connected to my wireless network out on my back deck, where I go regularly to smoke and surf the web while I am smoking. Not it keeps droping the connection or it is very slow because the signal is so weak. Again it was great on GB.

This is all empherical observations but something definitely changed after I update.

Thoughts, suggestions? Anyone have the same experiences?

I installed the newest ICS leak a few days ago, and I was thinking the battery life was a little better. On a full charge on GB, I would get to work in the morning, and switch 4G off to 3G. With light use throughoutthe day, the phone would be about 1/2 to 3/4 full. I would switch to 4G when I got home, and by the end of the night, my phone would be about 10% after more light to mod use. After installing the ICS leak, using roughly the same procedure mentioned before, I have about 30% battery left by nighttime.

I haven't noticed a drop in signal or reception after the leak. Seems to be the same as before. I thought this leak, or maybe the one previous, had better radios?
My ICS experience so far...

I installed today and on wifi all day, the battery life seemed better.

I did run into one problem: After bookmarking a few webpages it stopped allowing me to do so. I got a message that "The Internet has stopped working" and it would go back to the homescreen.
I worked around this by copying the url and adding a new bookmark by pasting (instead of settings > add page as bookmark).

other than that it's smooth.

My wife just DL iCS on her razr and it seems to have a few extra apps like "Smart moves" and has tabbed ability on the browser, as well as thumb functionality on any webpage as shortcuts. This may be a unique Motorola thing though.

Also, her app list/grid toggles between apps and visible representations of all widgets. My leak does not have this.

Finally, she has the blue hued tint on the notification bar whereas the HTC leak has the same old white.

Are these things we should be getting in OTA? Or is this Motorola specific?
I installed today and on wifi all day, the battery life seemed better.

I did run into one problem: After bookmarking a few webpages it stopped allowing me to do so. I got a message that "The Internet has stopped working" and it would go back to the homescreen.
I worked around this by copying the url and adding a new bookmark by pasting (instead of settings > add page as bookmark).

other than that it's smooth.

My wife just DL iCS on her razr and it seems to have a few extra apps like "Smart moves" and has tabbed ability on the browser, as well as thumb functionality on any webpage as shortcuts. This may be a unique Motorola thing though.

Also, her app list/grid toggles between apps and visible representations of all widgets. My leak does not have this.

Finally, she has the blue hued tint on the notification bar whereas the HTC leak has the same old white.

Are these things we should be getting in OTA? Or is this Motorola specific?
Those are Motorola specific.
Likes and dislikes......dislikes: stock ICS has an app uninstall basket where you can simply drag and drop to uninstall it. Not so in Rezound ICS. Instead they keep the stupid edit function at the corner of the top of the screen. Which I've found to be a useless feature. Speed: don't see the improvement.

Likes: stock ICS puts a google bar on the top of each page and if you remove it, it is still unusable. You need a launcher to get around that. We don't have that issue. Widget templates. Stock ICS doesn't list widgets, they give you page after page of all possible templates. Spinach! Soft buttons. Not a fan of it on stock ICS. There are two rows and they take up screen real estate. I'll take capacitive, thank you.

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