Note 3 won't initiate phone calls through BT devices


New Member
Apr 19, 2012
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I used to have no problem with this, but now my Note 3 will not initiate phone calls through either of my Bluetooth devices (a Motorola Roadster 2 or a Kinivo BTC450). When I push the button on either BT, at best the music might stop if I'm playing it through the phone - but no voice command prompt comes up. Sometimes nothing happens at all, and the music keeps playing. Considering that the same thing seems to be happening with two totally different devices, it seems like a phone or settings problem, but I can't figure out what!

Any ideas would be really appreciated!

Hey Beth, from what I gather this is a recent occurrence? Can you tell us what you've tried so far to remedy the problem? Have you tried deleting or unpairing your BT device, reboot your phone and then re-pair your BT? Are you using Car Mode, Google or any other assistant type app to initiate a hands free call?
Hang in there & we'll try and get you fixed up.

S5 tap'n
Thanks so much for your reply! I'm not the most technical user here, obviously, so I'll try to keep up with the suggestions/questions, but bear with me if I ask too many dumb questions!

I actually haven't done much so far, because the Kinivo is a new item. I just got it last week or the week before. I really thought the problem I was having was due to that, and I was about to return the Kinivo when I decided to try putting the Motorola back in the car. Bingo - both have the problem.

I have definitely re-booted the phone several times, but I haven't deleted or un-paired/re-paired. I guess I'll go do that and report back. I haven't been using Hands-Free mode or Car Mode (not sure what Car Mode is - is that an add-on to the Note 3?) In the past, I could just have the BT paired, and when I hit the button on it (the Motorola) it would wake the phone up and go straight to S-Voice to let me give a command. I did use Hands-Free a few times, but didn't necessarily want the phone reading out my text messages while I was driving (though that was pretty cool - just didn't want to give my teenager the idea that it would be OK for her to do).

Going out to the car right now to try deleting and re-pairing. I want to get to the bottom of this!

Thanks again!
Thanks so much for your reply! I'm not the most technical user here, obviously, so I'll try to keep up with the suggestions/questions, but bear with me if I ask too many dumb questions!

No question is a dumb question, especially when using our tiny computers in our pocket. You got to also remember, we were all novices with tech at one point so we know how you feel..

I have definitely re-booted the phone several times, but I haven't deleted or un-paired/re-paired. I guess I'll go do that and report back.

Sweet. Go ahead. This is one of the first steps to take when dealing with bluetooth devices. Let us know if you need help with these steps. I'm not familiar with Samsung as I haven't used them since the Galaxy S III but I bet the options are similar.
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