A bit late on this discussion, but just wanted to add something interesting in case anyone had the same issue I had. I just got a Cliq 2 and spent several hours trying to get my own mp3s to play for 'notification' and 'ringtone'. I downloaded a program called "Rings Extended" from the 'Market' which allowed me to navigate to files in the sounds/notifications and sounds/ringtones section. I was able to select my mp3, and could play it as a test on the phone during the selection phase, but it would still never actually play during the notification or the phone call. So, I followed someone's advice above, and made: /media/disk/notifications /media/disk/ringtones (I'm using linux, so basically I created a 'notifications' and 'ringtones' directory/folder at the root of the device) and copied my files into those directories. Upon doing this, the sounds became visible/selectable via the normal notification/ringtone selector. And, most importantly, they played when notifications/calls came in. Thanks for the info!