Notifications over a2dp bluetooth headset


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Perhaps im just a moron however I just recently purchased the Motorolla H17txt headset which supports a2dp for use with my Droid running Koush's CyanogenMod

I am able to pair the device and I can recieve phone calls and listen to music however as silly as this sounds, my main interest in a bluetooth headset is to get notification sounds through the device to inform me of new email and IM's. I have used K9 for a very long time as my email client and have had enabled "New Email Ringtone" which works, yet with the headset connected this is only played via the phones speaker and not through the Headset.

I cant quite figure out why this is not working, or if perhaps it just comes down to notifications not being sent through the android framework as a Phone, or Media profile. Several people have responded only with one line answers such as "I have no problems" so im hoping someone could elaborate as to if what I want to do is possible, and if so what steps I need to take or settings I must adjust. I've basically exhausted google, IRC, and am hoping I could find support here.

Thanks in advanced.
I have the Jawbone II and a Motorola S305 bluetooth headsets and neither one of them will use my notifications through the headset. Its not that big of a deal to me b/c if I'm using the S305 then I'm listening to music and the notification interrupts the music with its ringing, email notifications will make the music stop for a split second and then come back on (kinda like the mp3 was skipping)

I remember when I had an older phone w/ bluetooth (1.0 or 1.1?) it wouldn't play the ringtone through the headset either but on my KRZR (1.2) the ringtone would play in the Jawbone no problem.

So its not just you, I haven't heard of any fixes for this.... but then again I never really looked for one.
we have the technology

Ok, some time has severely passed since my original post but the other day I was introduced to Tasker, which is by far one of the best and most productive android applications I have ever used. With Tasker I was able to automate Text-To-Speech for Email and SMS notifications which is way more than I was expecting to be able to do when I originally posted!

With Tasker it's possible to basically automate any task that you want. If you can do it manually, you can automate it with tasker. Its not for the faint of heart in the beginning, and isnt exactly a macro-style system, as well there are a few limitations.

Spoiler; im not going to explain all the details and setups for this instead will point you to the articles I found @ lifehacker that got me started.

tasker - Lifehacker

btw; screw the user guide and tour, the developer has done a wonderful job creating help screens for basically every dialogue within this application. Trying to read the documentation actually confused me more than helped..