Is this in Astro or on your computer?
first, Much thanks again for helping manually download 2.2....
I have it downloaded in astro and can't seem to find the app manager to move it to.....any suggestions?
3.rd..looking for your ebook
It'll be at least a few weeks. The book's finished and I'll be publishing it through one of those electronic publishers -- self published and all that.
The app manager isn't a where, it's a what. Once you have access to the .apk just short-press and then open the app manager to install it.
Is this in Astro or on your computer?
Astro. I can manage other apps, so I'm wondering if I screwed up the download
That sounds like what happened. Try downloading again. If it still won't work, try it on a computer if you have access to one and transfer over. As long as it has an open USB port and you have the cable, it'll work.