What is Liberty?
Liberty is a ROM for the Droid X and Droid 2. After installing Liberty ROM you and your device will become liberated from the lockdown Moto has placed on it. We believe you chose an Android phone because you love the ability to customize your phone. Liberty does this best from its customized & fast base, Liberty toolbox, settings, customizer, themes and much more.
Common Questions and Errors:
(work in progress)
I have a Droid 2 Global and you guys don't seem to support me.
Yes, Liberty is only officially for the Droid 2 and Droid X. It's not that we don't like you

but rather because we don't have your device to test on. Liberty would love to help get it ported better to these types of phones by working with the community though.
After moving to Liberty I installed bootstrap and now I get a blank screen. What's the deal?
Droid X bootstrap no longer works correctly on Gingerbread but Droid 2 Bootstrap works fine. Also, Liberty installs bootstrap for you! No need to reinstall it after installing the ROM.
The Liberty Customizer is pretty sweet but can I access it again?
Yes, go to Settings > Liberty Settings
WTF, Liberty Settings is force closing on me in 2.0.1. What's the deal?
You most likely installed a theme with the old Liberty Settings which doesn't support the settings fix. You can always access Liberty Settings by going into Liberty Toolbox, clicking menu button and then click on "Settings". In 2.0.1 there is actually a bug in Liberty Settings if you go through the normal settings menu so I suggest accessing it via Liberty Toolbox.
I updated to Liberty Gingerbread but now the Rom Manager doesn't show as much in Liberty Toolbox.
This is on purpose to hide things you should not install on Gingerbread.
Liberty Gingerbread Changelog
V 0.4:
☆Added Liberty Customizer to let Liberty users have more umm.. liberty

- customizer appears on first boot and can be accessed in Liberty Settings.
☆Compiled more apps from source (mostly for customizer) adding a new GB custom Liberty Launcher2
☆Updated default Liberty boot logo made by Dave Kover
☆Fixed up boot animation by CarlZ
☆Update UI to the default Liberty. (Still a work in progress)
☆Modified the updater-script to show better progress
☆Moved Swype to System and themed it Liberty style (by Dave Kover)
V 0.3:
☆Fix account force close but added icons to the app drawer
- This has to do with modifying the androidManifest to remove the launcher intents. Will have to find an alternative way to hide these lame icons
☆Added double tap options to reboot, reboot recovery, power off, start liberty settings, etc.
- Access this in Settings -> Applications
☆Fixed new event force close in Calendar
V 0.2:
☆Compiled nano for Liberty
☆Added a few more tweaks first put in by imoseyon in Liberty 2.0.1
V 0.1:
☆ Removed blur by extensively reading logcat for the best base possible
- Some still remains simply because it's better than aosp IMO

- Every blur option will now be availalbe and working for future releases
☆ Optimized, zipaligned & deodexed system
☆ Compiled several apps from aosp and CyanogenMod source
- More aosp/blur options will come when the first boot customization is finished
☆ Custom Liberty wallpapers
☆ Custom Liberty live wallpapers with added nexus options
☆ Custom Liberty ADW Launcher is now default launcher
☆ CyanogenMod Mms with added options
☆ Swype, Gingerbread & multi touch keyboard all installed
☆ Installation of some apps to data on first boot
☆ Custom boot animation installed to data
☆ Liberty boot logo installed on initial install (change in toolbox)
☆ Clockwork recovery installed on first boot
☆ BusyBox v1.17.2 installed & symlinked
☆ Freed over 10mb by properly symlinking toolbox & motobox
☆ Install hacked adbd for full adb access
☆ Automatic updates supported (turn off in Liberty Toolbox)
☆ Enabled cron schedular tweaks with easy configuration
☆ Enabled init.d with a custom init.d config file (Easy customization in Toolbox)
☆ Init.d featues include:
- Toggle on/off sysctl (on by default)
- Set build properties on first boot
- Free memory tweaks
- Clear cache option on every boot (disabled by default)
- Fix permissions on data directories on each boot (disabled by default)
- Zipalign apks on each boot
- Turn on recovery safe mode (disabled by default)
- Install any apps on sdcard on bootup
☆ Ads blocked by default using host file
☆ 10% battery increments
☆ CRT-TV Gingerbread power down animation
☆ Custom Liberty terminal emulator with added color options
☆ Liberty scripts (run scripts in terminal emulator):
- overclock (easily set scaling frequencies
- allinone (terminal toolbox for TONS of customization)
- sysrw (mount system read/write)
- sysro (mount system read-only)
- zipalign_apks (zipalign all apks or specified one)
- setprops (set build properties)
- msg (type in adb shell and enter text into your phone)
- more, more, more scripts (type roottools in terminal for a list)
☆ bash shell 4.1, zip, zipalign & dropbear included
☆ build.prop tweaks
- Shortened call ring delay, longer wifi scan interval (battery saver), dalvik vm heap, etc.
☆ Rom info in about phone
☆ Eri with Liberty version in pulldown/lockscreen (change in toolbox to whatever you want)
Liberty Toolbox Features:
• App Management:
☆ Apps2SD
☆ Remove/Backup system/data apps
☆ Backup/restore feature
• Liberty Mods
☆ Switch between transition animations
☆ Change boot logos
☆ Set Build Properties * File editor included by Fr4gg0r *
☆ Install Fonts
☆ Pulldown-bar text editor
☆ Icon Chooser (change application and battery icons)
• Liberty ROM Manager
(based off braway's original work)
☆ Download TONS of themes and addons
☆ Install update.zips from sdcard
☆ Install bootstrap
• Liberty Tweaks
☆ Ad Blocker (Block/Unblock)
☆ Cache Manager (clear/move to SD)
☆ Free Memory
☆ Manage Boot Animation
☆ Mount system rw, fix permissions, zipalign apps, etc.
• Reboot Options
☆ Hot Reboot, Reboot, reboot bootstrap, reboot recovery, powerdown
• Settings
☆ Automatic updates option
☆ Schedular
☆ App Theme (change theme of toolbox)
☆ Notify for ROM updates/patches
☆ Lockscreen Settings (not for gingerbread yet)
☆ Recovery safe mode
☆ Overclocking
☆ Sysctl Support
☆ Camera Shutter Sound
☆ Tools (Spare Parts, Dev Tools, Testing Menu)
☆ Restore apps feature
☆ Set install location on boot
☆ Zipalign apps on reboot
☆ Clear cache on reboot
☆ Fix permissions on reboot