Forgot to add, do not try installing from Rom Manager. Boot into Clockwork and do the install manually.
I do this most the time as well. It may not be as easy as clicking a button from rom manager but it is better becuase you can see the log of what you did and if something went wrong or can even do other things.Forgot to add, do not try installing from Rom Manager. Boot into Clockwork and do the install manually.
How does one boot into cwr on a d1? I've always used either d2 bootstrap or rom manager (cm7)
Did this - SS4.96Installation Instructions [ClockWork]
1) Download the ROM of your choice and place on your SD Card
Did this - CWM recovery version - market says newer version is not compatible with my device2) Reboot into ClockWork recovery
Did backup before starting all this - didn't see the option in CWM recovery - I just noticed it is under though - nandroid3) Scroll down and select “Backup and Restore”
4) Select “Backup”
5) After backup is complete
Did 6-11 and get the following:6) Select “Wipe data”
7) Select “Wipe Cache”
8) Select “Install zip from sdcard”
9) select “Choose Zip from sdcard”
10) Navigate to where you placed the ROM and select it
11) On the Confirm Install screen scroll down and select “Yes”
Nope12) Your ROM will be installed
Tried doing the whole thing over again, same result.13) Reboot from the main screen of ClockWork Recovery
Re-download the rom. I think you have a bad download: 1/17/11 - SS 4.96 is Ready! Don't download it through Rom Manager.
I just figured out that the problem is with the download link on the page you link to above. It's throwing a 500 page error, so I guess I wasn't actually downloading the rom after all. Any other places to download it from that you know of?
Any reason not to go to the Gingerbread ones?
Did not know that site was down. Yeah, I'd go with Chevy's latest:
Good luck.
Downloading... assuming it works, and please forgive my ignorance... does the backup I made restore all my settings, texts, etc? If so, how do I access it and restore it? Through CWM Recovery?
Yes, it will restore everything. It is under the Nandroid/Restore option. You will then be asked to select with backup you want to restore. In your case, just do the most recent one.
Also, once you have the rom installed and setup the way you like it, go back to Clockwork and make a new backup. That way you can restore it if it screws up.
Well, I'm happy/sad...
The GB rom installed just fine, and I'm amazed at how nice it looks and how smooth it runs (for now?). I'm very impressed. That's the happy part.
Sad part, I must have botched up the backup, because the only other one I can find is from April of this year, ran that backup, but it went back to 2.2 and didn't have any of my apps/data/etc. Blech.
I'm guessing that if I did have a good backup somewhere, I would need to go into advanced restore, and choose restore data only? I'm having little fits over the prospect of manually getting my phone back to how I had it (free apps and email account setup)