old pics to new phone


Active Member
Aug 14, 2010
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aside from creating a picassa how do I do it? It seems like i cannot transfer things into the dcim camera folder...
I'm interested too, I'd like to copy my titanium backup over but I know the phone doesn't support USB Mass Storage.
I just want the pics. its wierd. i did a drag and drop with an apk but couldnt drag and drop the pics into the camera folder...maybe the pictures folder?
that did it, they are transferring, now to see where they end up
I took the entire DCIM folder from my Droid X and put it on my Nexus.

No, it doesn't have USB mass storage but MTP behaves the same way depending on your Windows OS.
this is mildly annoying
Do you use Windows Explorer with MTP or do you have to use Windows Media Player or something? I don't have my Galaxy Nexus yet so I'm curious, I know I could just put my files on my dropbox or something and download them to my phone but I'd rather copy them.
All I did was drag and drop to the pictures folder. Was pretty seamless /shrug
I use it with Windows explorer but I've read you have to use media player depending on your OS, I have windows 7.
i have 7 too, like its hanging. im going to reboot...
Had the device hang on me once, i did was unplug and plug the Nexus back in and it worked fine.
Had the device hang on me once, i did was unplug and plug the Nexus back in and it worked fine.

ok dezy, im having no luck at all. I was able to drag and drop the apk for volume+ in but I can in no way shape or form get pictures onto the gnex. Obviously you didnt have a problem, and it could very easily be my computer, but how did you do it, as retarded as it sounds, step by step? USB bugging disabled or enabled? Did you go from your old phone (d1 in my case) straight drag and drop using windows to your new phone? did you copy the whole dcim folder from the d1 into pictures gnex?

This shouldnt be this difficult... im typically good at this stuff
My phone will be here Thursday but does it show up in My Computer under "Devices with removable storage" like any other phone? I'm using Windows 7 too.