opinions on new pricing tiers

Will you keep verizon according to data plan pricing

  • Yes if it is 4g only tiered

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes if it is 3g only tiered

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes if it is totally tiered

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no if any changes i will leave

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not decided waiting on prices and tiers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • not decided waiting to see all providers tiers/plans first

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Now it could be some wacky combination thing like: $29.99 unlim on 3G and $5 per GB on LTE/4G. Sort of like an old roaming deal.
Honestly, this makes perfect sense. Those who don't have LTE will not get charged, and those who do, will.

Unfortunately, this means it costs $10 extra per month to use 2 gigabytes of LTE, which anyone can easily blow through in a snap watching something on Noetflix or video calling.

I use anywhere from 0.5 to 1.5 GBs of data per month right now. So it's very simple: if I cannot use the same amount of data for the current price I'm paying now, I will look to see what other carrier is competitive with a quality Android phone and data plan.

This would be the first time I've left Verizon. I've been with them for the past 14 years or so.

Everybody is freaking out before we know anything. Yes tiered is coming, but who really thought it wasn't? I have a feeling it will be laided out so that it really only affects the heavy users. I'm usually under 2GB, and that seems to be the norm. Sure, it won't be as good as $30 for unlimited everything, but until we see some prices I wouldn't declare the sky to be falling.

Sent from my Eris
Thats true, however if thats the case then shouldnt verizons 3g price of 29.99 a month already cover there 4g expansion? Plan ahead correct? Like you said I could use a 20 year old lawn tractor, or a 10000 dollar zero turn I still charge the same price?

Sort of a chicken and egg situation... and I know that money from one revenue stream doesn't go exclusively to pay for a specific cost center (it all essentially goes into one pot).

But in the end, the business needs to bring in revenue to pay for day-to-day expenses and then also to either
(a) expand the business further - like making capital investments (4G)
(b) return it to the shareholders (pay dividends).

We all have the ability to jump ship and use one of the other providers out there if we don't like the price Verizon is setting.

I see your point sir, and believe me im not being disrespectful or "calling your bluff" at all. My main point is, how can you exclusivly charge for something thats not 70% complete? I understand you have to cover your cost but like I said I cant leave a customers yard 70% cut. It would be one thing if they raised the price of our plans (minutes) but its another to specifically raise a price on something thats not 70% complete

No worries on the disrespect... it's all a good discussion... difference of opinion is all...

I think what Verizon has to hide behind is that it is a mobile phone. You don't have to use it in one location that may not be covered yet.

They would also say - "we have plenty of other 3G phones that will not have a tier (at least right away)". if you want $29.99 - buy those phones. We charge a premium for our 4G service "so the network eperience is great blah blah blah"

I think they have a variety of arguments to hide behind on this - another one of which is that there are different carriers - some who have tiers, some who don't - so let the consumer choose and the market will decide what is best.

If I was making the call at Verizon, I would probably take the wait and see approach - see what the data usage on the 4G network is with smart phones, see if we can handle it. It would be a HUGE differentiator if you were the only game in town offering no tier on a fast network. You would bring in tons of new business and the majority of folks probably wouldn't strain the network.

I was going to get this phone and lock in a two-year contract at $29.99 unlim. I am going to have to look long and hard about the pricing on it - or maybe flip over to one of the 3G phones.

and BTW... 10 grand for a mower! wow... makes my $200 model look tame!
If they want to charge more for data, then they should make it for the hotspot feature. if you have 8 devices running at the same time would chew up a lot more usage than a single phone would.

I agree but it boils down to this fact, at the end of this year it will only cover 70% of the nation. I am 20 and run a small landscaping business in the summer, do you think my customers would pay me full price to only cut 70% of there yard? SO why should I pay verizon more for something that is less established than 3g, 30% less established!

That analogy makes absolutely no sense. When you mow a lawn, you are promising to mow their entire lawn for a set price. If you only mow 70% of the lawn, you haven't fulfilled your part of the contract.

Verizon never promised that you would have 4G coverage over the entire country. In fact, they provide a map showing you exactly where the coverage is. It could be 10% or 99%, they aren't breaching anything if they are correctly disclosing the coverage.
FWIW, my best friend owns an IT company and is a Verizon retailer (even though he doesn't have a storefront). I asked him what, if anything, he's heard about the new tiered pricing and his reply was that the only word they'd received was that tiered pricing would arrive in April at the earliest, but that they had no word on what the pricing would be.

I'm still holding out that the T'Bolt will drop on 3/10 or 3/17 and hoping that maybe people who buy right away can sneak in before the tiered pricing hits.

I doubt it but hope is free.
Pricing is not a concern for me. Like bmx said, 4G LTE is not for everyone.

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TL;DR version: Don't worry, be happy! Unlimited is here to stay for now! :)

Long version: I am not worried about tiered pricing, because I have a strong feeling that tiered pricing won't be introduced until the middle of this summer. I mean, think about this... we early adopters would be able to enjoy unlimited $30 data plans for the life of the contract, whether it's a one-year or two-year contract. Technically, it is possible that VZW can change the terms of the contract while you are in one, but they have to notify you somehow, and you get the chance of cancelling the contract if they change the terms. If they do that, they stand to lose money from you because then, they may not be able to collect the fees from you to pay for the retail price of the TB and then some.

Also, during a typical workweek, I am in a place that has WiFi four days out of five. While I am at a WiFi hotspot, I will be using WiFi and not have to use 3G/4G at all. I don't think I would top two or three gigs a month, if that, from 3G/4G.
I'm still holding out that the T'Bolt will drop on 3/10 or 3/17 and hoping that maybe people who buy right away can sneak in before the tiered pricing hits.

Maybe it's just hope, but I'll be watching this as well.
Yes they will still have 3G, as well as first gen cmda networks.

Our texts and calls do not use the ev-do network, which is what your 3G icon means. Evdo is data only, and phonecalls are not purely digital in the system
Yet again all of the folks that are actually exited about a new service are turned away until the price drops...when are companies going to forfeit this formula?


As an aside though, maybe they're doing this to be more safe than sorry since they did just get the iphone, and they're also rolling out the lte at the same time. Maybe their actions come as a result of some trepidation in regards to what happened to at&t.
Until i see that earnings were in the red from the 'onslaught' of iphones, data hogs, and the lte costs, I am not convinced that this is necessary.

Id point out the small article someone wrote about just how quickly a user can go through 10 GB on 4G but alas i am lazy.

Basically it gets summed up that you can watch 7 and some odd hours of netflix before hitting the cap, which isbarely 4 movies, and this doesnt take into count the data used in general.

(Edit) I am glad I'm stuck on 3G for 2 more years. I already use 3.5+ gigs a month, and i use wifi at home all the time! God knows the damage id wreak on 4G speeds.

I kill threads
TL;DR version: Don't worry, be happy! Unlimited is here to stay for now! :)

Long version: I am not worried about tiered pricing, because I have a strong feeling that tiered pricing won't be introduced until the middle of this summer. I mean, think about this... we early adopters would be able to enjoy unlimited $30 data plans for the life of the contract, whether it's a one-year or two-year contract. Technically, it is possible that VZW can change the terms of the contract while you are in one, but they have to notify you somehow, and you get the chance of cancelling the contract if they change the terms. If they do that, they stand to lose money from you because then, they may not be able to collect the fees from you to pay for the retail price of the TB and then some.

Also, during a typical workweek, I am in a place that has WiFi four days out of five. While I am at a WiFi hotspot, I will be using WiFi and not have to use 3G/4G at all. I don't think I would top two or three gigs a month, if that, from 3G/4G.

Actually, they wouldn't have to let anyone out without the ETF. Data plans aren't part of the contract; they're features. They can change the price at any time, just like we can drop the plan at any time.