OTA 2.3.4 Gingerbread Update for OG Droid Incredible Rolling Out Now


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Your Original Droid Incredible should be getting a tasty Gingerbread treat through the airwaves sometime today or within the next few days. There are reports that it started rolling out. You can check it out by going into Settings>Software update/About phone. Share in the forums when you get yours and what you think of it.

Source: Droid-Life
BLASPHEMY!! Only the original Droid should be referred to as the OG
Well I got the OTA update to 2.3.4. Sadly my experience was not perfect as it wiped everything off my phone. I am in the process of getting it back to full working condition and all my various applications reloaded on the phone. My next step will be to find the best backup application I can and from there to determine what it will take to root it for the backups and the wifi/tethering.
I got mine this morning, and have had tons of problems. Programs have been force closing everywhere-gmail, swype (had to uninstall it-that's how bad it got), app store, android market, and other random apps needed force closing where this was not a problem before. My music doesn't pause anymore when I get a text (not a big deal, but I liked the pausing for a couple seconds). Some apps got deleted and had to re-install them. I REALLY want to uninstall this update unless they fix the bugs in the next day or two. But not sure how to uninstall. Sigh. The battery seems to last longer but it takes longer to charge as well. Also the "low memory" symbol is back on the notification bar and I had just gotten rid of it. AHHFHDHAHSDFADS. Help me uninstall so I can have my slower but usable phone back!