It must be a coincidence but yesterday I pulled my Razr off the HD dock and it showed the same "no signal" (red circle with line over cell bars). I finally did a soft reboot and it restored the phone service and no problems since.
I think coincidence is the right word, unless you also suffered a failed upgrade like me.
I am going to run the .173 downgrade to see if I can get the radios working again in .748, and if that doesn't work, I'll go back to .744 through Fastboot and start over. I did clear cache but that didn't solve the problem either so there was something the upgrade didn't like about my phone. The downgrade is running at the moment, I'll report back with my results there and we'll see how it goes.
This is my experience as well. I'm not rooted at all (I burned up my original OG trying to root). The install was a breeze and my phone has definitely run more smoothly. I didn't have any drops yesterday, even at my work where we have some dead zones. I had been using Pro Capture as main default camera app, but I'm really happy with the stock camera again.
As one of the previous posts mentioned, if this one came out ahead of time, the rest will as well. I'm happy that I updated.
Downgrade to 748 was SUCCESSFUL, and the 4G and 3G radios woke immediately. Ironically, the phone started ringing almost immediately after getting a signal and I though something was REALLY screwed up, but fortunately it was my wifey calling!
I did follow the instructions but there is some confusion regarding the safestrap.
When I read the instructions, it mentions "***IF YOU HAVE EVER USED HASHCODES SAFESTRAP... STOP HERE AND DO A FULL RSD!!***". Further down in the instructions, it mentions "Step 2: Disable Safestrap via the app. You do not have to remove the apk itself, but the system needs to be disabled.", so I don't know if the "safestrap" that I was running was "hashcodes" or not, but I don't remember seeing that name, so since I did have Safestrap running I did the shut-down on line 2, but I don't believe I had "hashcodes" safestrap. If I did, that may be the reason for the failure.
I decided to follow the 1 through 9 instructions. The upgrade went well until I hit the LTE portion.
Perhaps someone can clarify the difference between the big warning at the top and the very gentle instruction number 2.
When using safestrap, some system files are changed which is why the uodate would fail. I have heard some say they had no issues updating even with safestrap but I had to fastboot back to 744.
Safestrap is by hashcodes. He created the program.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
I do appreciate the information, and I also asked this question on and got the same answer. This brings me to the question of why even mention hashcodes? If safestrap is safestrap, simply say "***IF YOU HAVE EVER USED SAFESTRAP... STOP HERE AND DO A FULL RSD!!***"? This would have prevented me from misunderstanding the "apparent" conflicting information between the warning and step 2, and the resulting belief that "hashcodes safestrap" and "safestrap" are two different things, and I would NOT have proceeded to the step 2. Instead I would have done the RSD to 744 first and wouldn't have landed in the quagmire that I did. :blink:
Fortunately I was able to use the roll-back and get working radios again today. I'll RSD and flash tonight.
More bloat apps with new OTA update.
Running RSD to Fastboot into .744 right now. Will then do the .748 upgrade, root, Voodoo OTA Root protect, then flash recovery on new .173, and finally restore root. Just rebooted from RSD so here goes!!
Running RSD to Fastboot into .744 right now. Will then do the .748 upgrade, root, Voodoo OTA Root protect, then flash recovery on new .173, and finally restore root. Just rebooted from RSD so here goes!!
Good luck. I am sure you will like the new upgrades.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Well, apparently the update to .173 the first time around killed root and even though I RSD'd back to .744 with Fastboot and then OTA'd to ,748, I can't get root back. Voodoo Root Keeper didn't work and I ran both V2 & V4 of the Doomlord's root at least a dozen times, each time trying all different "fixes" (unplug and plug USB, switch from USB development and back, reboot of PC & of phone), but all attempts were not successful. So I simply ran the update to .173 again and at least this time it appears to have taken successfully, or at least didn't fail during the update. I am rebooting now. I'll check radios and GPS in a moment.
Update: So the phone booted with a window telling me I had removed the SIM card (which of course - I didn't) and that I had to re-enter my password to authenticate. The only problem is neither of the two selections I had for usernames (email addresses) were my Gmail email address so I was unable to authenticate. So now I am resetting the phone.