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OTA Updates?

I see.....is there any chance of the OTA GB providing better battery life then the custom ROM's?

Do a search for imoseyon v6.2.1 zip
I have way better battery life on leaked GB since installing this patch


Kernel/OS Tweaks for most/all ROMs

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
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when the ota comes, you most likely won't recieve a notification if you are on a custom rom. if you want to take the update, you'll have to be on the stock rom with all the bloat present. this will probably involve flashing your stock backup or if you don't have one you'll have to flash an sbf.

So there will be no way for us to get it? What if I SBF back to Froyo and hit "check for updates?" Will it install the OTA GB for me?

Id love to avoid this altogether, but I think the ota update will fix the issues we are having on the leaked version.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
You'll be able to update just fine, you just wont get a notification of it and yeah you'll have to sbf back to froyo.

tappin and a talkin
Well, hopefully people will upgrade via the ota update and talk about it here so we'll all know. Think it will be able to be rooted as easily as it was to do Froyo? I used doroot for Froyo and it worked like a charm...not going to get the ota update if I can't root it!

Thanks for all the replies, by the way.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
You will definitely hear about it here when an update rolls out, and the best idea us to wait on it for at least a few hours. That way you can find out if the update went smoothly and if it can he rooted or not, that way you can stay on the leaked rooted gb if need be.

tappin and a talkin
Why would you want an OTA version when you have the capacity to update it yourself? Why deal with the hassle of depending on the carrier to push something to your phone? These questions confuse me... lol.

Sent from GingerBlurred DROID2
Why would you want an OTA version when you have the capacity to update it yourself? Why deal with the hassle of depending on the carrier to push something to your phone? These questions confuse me... lol.

Sent from GingerBlurred DROID2

Well, not everyone wants to go through the process of doing it themselves (more steps, higher chance for errors, etc) when they could just wait for their carrier. Given that Gingerbread for D2/DX has been leaked, it can't be more than a few weeks away from being released officially.

Hell, even if it is, my phone works great right now. When Gingerbread is released officially I'll be upgrading, but I honestly don't really see the need to spend the time tonight or tomorrow or n-1 arbitrary units of time before Gingerbread is released officially just to be on the bleeding edge.

I mean, maybe I'm just being an ol' stick in the mud, but I imagine there's a higher risk of fubaring your phone when doing this sort of thing manually, right?
Why would you want an OTA version when you have the capacity to update it yourself? Why deal with the hassle of depending on the carrier to push something to your phone? These questions confuse me... lol.

Sent from GingerBlurred DROID2

Several reasons, actually. The main one being that I would like my keyboard to light up like it is supposed to. This leaked version is just too buggy for me.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
Why would you want an OTA version when you have the capacity to update it yourself? Why deal with the hassle of depending on the carrier to push something to your phone? These questions confuse me... lol.

Sent from GingerBlurred DROID2

This has confused me to a certain extent. People have told me that Apple does need to comply with "carrier quality assurance specifications", and that Apple doesn't. So I'm kind of confused which is right here, Apple issues updates only through iTunes, correct? I'm not sure if Apple gives its iPhone's OTA's because i only have an ipod touch which needs itunes to update.

If Apple issues updates through iTunes, do the updates get screened through ATT and Verizon before being released, or do the carriers trust Apple to put out a "quality certified" update through iTunes without testing it themselves?

I'd just like to know what level of power Apple has, because the update process that phone manufacturers have with carriers is far too time consuming with Android.
Going back to my ROM after OTA

First off, does anyone know if there will be a notification of the official OTA via Liberty 2.0?

My main question, however, is if I did either flash my Froyo nandroid image and receive the OTA that way, would I be able to root and install new ROMS from the new GB? I'm not really sure how this all works, will it be the same process to root 2.3 as it was for Froyo or would we all have to wait until someone figures this out?

Here's a question that I haven't seen anyone address so far. I've got a droid r2d2 and does anyone know if they are planning on updating these as well? I'm wondering this because the last OTA that was sent to droid 2 never made it to us with the R2D2 edition.

Sent from my liberated R2D2 using DroidForums
I don't know~ I see people going through the effort of SBFing their phones just to get an OTA~ and yet you cite not wanting to go through the work of just pushing the official update once it's released? I never said anything about the leak~ once the OTA is actually, you know~ available... you can be sure it'll be available for direct download. At that point, just push it to your phone. Not sure why that's so much harder than having to go back to stock and play a waiting game with your carrier.
I suppose my assumption here is that once Gingerbread Official is live, the updating process will be similar to previous updates - that is, the phone tells you there's an update available to download/ready to install, you push the Install button and voila. Regardless of how stable/buggy the current leaked Gingerbread is, I wouldn't put it past me to fubar my phone somehow trying to install it. Then I run the risk of bricking my device and/or voiding my warranty, and then having to dig myself out of whatever happened.

I know I'm capable of manually flashing the update... I guess I'm just playing the lazy card and assuming that, since Gingerbread has been leaked, the official release probably isn't that far away.
Shouldn't be too long now, I've been seeing twitter posts saying dx is getting ota as we speak. I don't think i will take it until liberty gb is released. But, as for the og post, you will have to have the og stock rom with all the bloat to get the ota.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
If I'm running the stock rom but rooted, when the ota comes it will register right? It will just unroot my phone right? I Haven't removed any bloatware

Sent from my rooted DROID2