Otter Box Defender Case

I just got that same one for $30. Bid lower and see what happens. He is 100% feedback so it should be all good.
What about the slimmer extended battery that fits with oe door? I think it's 1750 mAh as opposed to 1840-1880 but you could use whatever case you wanted.
A little strange that some dealers reportedly have the otterbox and are already selling them, but otterbox themselves, who sell immediately without giving dealers free days, are not even selling them yet...
And if you have been reading the posts on otterbox's facebook page, there isn't even a sniff of a release date.
BUT the price is right on ebay
BUT that is a little fishy, too
I am also awaiting this case. It looks bullet-proof and I'm not that good at not dropping my phone, so...

Anywho, I found out a couple of things that may interest you and may even be true. In my quest to find out how long I might have to wait to see this case, I stumbled on a Facebook discussion where people could ask questions to an Otterbox rep of some sort. Apparently, the case will not fit over an extended battery and there are no plans to release a case that does. I obviously cannot lend any validity to such statements, but that's what was said by the rep.

Many people peppered the guy with release date questions to the point of threatening to buy another maker's case (as if that would speed things up). The rep gave no indication of a release date at all. However, I did find, through an Amazon search, that a company (ipad sim shop usa?) is selling the case with a release date of Sept. 30th. for the Defender and the 24th for the Commuter. Hmm... I wonder.

What is the difference between the Defender and the Commuter? TIA!
Otterbox site is down for upgrading. Could this mean the Defender for the DX is on its way?
I wondered if they were available briefly but with all of the pre-orders, they sold out.