Wow, so many issues. I set mine up in all of 5 mnutes. Calendar took a while to sync, but email synced immediately. Settings were
eq\abc1234 - domain\login ID
[email protected]
username password with SSL checked
I know it's been said, but make sure to check that you have proper settings first. I've seen way too many people mess up initial configurations on multiple devices because they were inputting someting incorrectly. Not trying to be a know-it-all, but just making sure that anyone having problems is crossing the T's and dotting the I's.
eq\abc1234 - domain\login ID
[email protected]
username password with SSL checked
I know it's been said, but make sure to check that you have proper settings first. I've seen way too many people mess up initial configurations on multiple devices because they were inputting someting incorrectly. Not trying to be a know-it-all, but just making sure that anyone having problems is crossing the T's and dotting the I's.