Bugless Beast 1.1
Where to start? Five days ago I loaded BB 1.1. It was the first time I have loaded any version of the Bugless Beast themed/tweaked OTA rolled ROM releases. As far as I can tell it is a very solid for what it is. But there was a claim made in the release notes that got my undivided attention.
To paraphrase "You no longer need SetCPU".
That is a very bold statement. One that took me exactly 20 minutes to disprove with a simple test.
Please read this post: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/bugless/47575-setcpu-vs-petes-v1-1-cpu-script-7.html#post512512
Now you will notice I stated that only a PART of SetCPU was still needed. Because BB 1.1 did in fact do one thing properly as advertised. It put the Droid in an overclocked state without using SetCPU.
Normally the story would end right there. I would let it go and life would go on. But I found something. And if wasn't for Peter making a very bold statement, I would have never thought to go back and relook at the /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats directory. Normally that directory contains some empty files. Since I have been using SetCPU since day one of rooting, I never knew there was supposed to be data in those files. While running BB 1.1 there was data in them. Then I switched ROMs and I manually edited the files BB 1.1 adjusts and that ROM also started collecting data. And then my jaw hit the floor. It had USEFUL DATA in them. And then the next surprise. Some kernels provide more and or different information. Some of the kernels provide a table of frequencies and how they are jumped between. Some kernels provide how long the each frequency was in use. The information can allow Droid users to determine over time which kernel and more importantly which SPEED is right for them based on their actual usage.
I am just beginning to get an idea what can be done. But it is going to take time. One thing though is clear to me. Motorola Droid users need a new version of SetCPU tailored to our phones so that this data can be used to help us decide if something is working for us.
Also I did a battery drain test using a third custom ROM set to see what affect the BB method vs SetCPU would show. For 24 hours I ran Peters script and then for 24 hours I ran SetCPU. I made sure BOTH setups set the CPU0 values exactly the same. The only difference in the outcome of the test was the data that I could analyze after the run of Peters script. But as far as battery life went, there was no overall differences. Both runs went 24 hours with 15% of the battery left. Now could I have gotten more battery life? Yes. If I had turned on SetCPU's profiles to start using slower clock rates as the battery level changed I could have added at least two hours maybe three. So that leads to the final question.
Why are some people reporting better battery life with BB 1.x? I think the answer is /data/system/batterystats.bin. But this is only a working theory right now. I can not prove it 100%. But here is the theory. Since most people had to do a clean install of BB, they ended up erasing that file. I believe that resets how the Droid presents battery life to the user. If they had a profile in their old ROM that shows they were draining the battery every 7 hours, the system would predict how to show the battery % based on that. By erasing the profile, they get a clean slate. And we all know our habits change over time. Lets say with this new clean slate the went a few days without draining the battery every 7 hours. Instead it was every 13 hours. The new profile would reflect that. Instant "better battery life".
I hope to be able to prove or disprove this theory soon.
Side note: I know there are other people out there doing research or have done research on this subject. But since I don't know how they tested to get their results, I tend to use the data as opinions that need to be verified. So I will continue to test, observe and reports my findings here.
Where to start? Five days ago I loaded BB 1.1. It was the first time I have loaded any version of the Bugless Beast themed/tweaked OTA rolled ROM releases. As far as I can tell it is a very solid for what it is. But there was a claim made in the release notes that got my undivided attention.
To paraphrase "You no longer need SetCPU".
That is a very bold statement. One that took me exactly 20 minutes to disprove with a simple test.
Please read this post: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/bugless/47575-setcpu-vs-petes-v1-1-cpu-script-7.html#post512512
Now you will notice I stated that only a PART of SetCPU was still needed. Because BB 1.1 did in fact do one thing properly as advertised. It put the Droid in an overclocked state without using SetCPU.
Normally the story would end right there. I would let it go and life would go on. But I found something. And if wasn't for Peter making a very bold statement, I would have never thought to go back and relook at the /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats directory. Normally that directory contains some empty files. Since I have been using SetCPU since day one of rooting, I never knew there was supposed to be data in those files. While running BB 1.1 there was data in them. Then I switched ROMs and I manually edited the files BB 1.1 adjusts and that ROM also started collecting data. And then my jaw hit the floor. It had USEFUL DATA in them. And then the next surprise. Some kernels provide more and or different information. Some of the kernels provide a table of frequencies and how they are jumped between. Some kernels provide how long the each frequency was in use. The information can allow Droid users to determine over time which kernel and more importantly which SPEED is right for them based on their actual usage.
I am just beginning to get an idea what can be done. But it is going to take time. One thing though is clear to me. Motorola Droid users need a new version of SetCPU tailored to our phones so that this data can be used to help us decide if something is working for us.
Also I did a battery drain test using a third custom ROM set to see what affect the BB method vs SetCPU would show. For 24 hours I ran Peters script and then for 24 hours I ran SetCPU. I made sure BOTH setups set the CPU0 values exactly the same. The only difference in the outcome of the test was the data that I could analyze after the run of Peters script. But as far as battery life went, there was no overall differences. Both runs went 24 hours with 15% of the battery left. Now could I have gotten more battery life? Yes. If I had turned on SetCPU's profiles to start using slower clock rates as the battery level changed I could have added at least two hours maybe three. So that leads to the final question.
Why are some people reporting better battery life with BB 1.x? I think the answer is /data/system/batterystats.bin. But this is only a working theory right now. I can not prove it 100%. But here is the theory. Since most people had to do a clean install of BB, they ended up erasing that file. I believe that resets how the Droid presents battery life to the user. If they had a profile in their old ROM that shows they were draining the battery every 7 hours, the system would predict how to show the battery % based on that. By erasing the profile, they get a clean slate. And we all know our habits change over time. Lets say with this new clean slate the went a few days without draining the battery every 7 hours. Instead it was every 13 hours. The new profile would reflect that. Instant "better battery life".
I hope to be able to prove or disprove this theory soon.
Side note: I know there are other people out there doing research or have done research on this subject. But since I don't know how they tested to get their results, I tend to use the data as opinions that need to be verified. So I will continue to test, observe and reports my findings here.