Haha...so much for my reply on the topic...lol...but Does the option included or not have any affect on overall kernel performance or on battery life?
That sir is a damn good question. It is so good, I asked cvpcs to compile a kernel for me with "No stats collection what-so-ever". I had a rough idea it might extend battery life while in sleep/standby mode. Maybe up to 30% longer sleep time. At the end of the first 7 hours of testing, the battery read 20%. Just before that test the same battery, same phone setup and same usage pattern had lasted 19 hours when it hit 20%. Needless to say, I was dumbfounded. I just sat there and asked myself: Why?
So I started the test again and 7 hours later I had another nearly dead battery. It wasn't a fluke. There had to be something there. Then it dawned on me. The battery usage display only showed the Screen time, Wifi, Cell Standby, Android System, Android OS, etc, etc. And that is when it hit me. There were no Apps in the list. Because I asked for all the stats to be turned off. So the core part of the battery code only knew to calculate battery usage off of the "worst offenders" for battery drainage. And I am pretty sure the formula is weighted. Now that the Display usage was reading 60% instead of the normal 30%, it was predicting battery usage at a very high rate. So before I recharged the battery I changed out the kernel (while praying I wasn't wrong since the battery reading was 20% and flashing a Droid at that percentage is damn dangerous) and erased the batterystats.bin file to force the Android OS to poll the battery for it's true charge. Low and behold, it didn't read 20%. It read 50%. Right on schedule with the baseline test.
So the moral of this story is, we need stats collecting for the Android OS to predict battery life properly.
So now the question I am asking is "Which stats are needed and which ones can be turned off?". Well I can't keep bothering others to build things for me. So this year I plan to start building my own kernels and ROM to help facilitate my testing. A few friends are going to get me up to speed on what they know and then I can start narrowing things down.
And before anyone asks: I will NOT be building a custom ROM for public usage. There are already a dozen ROM makers out there and they know a hell of a lot more than I do about making a proper ROM. This will be for my testing only.
The only bad news in all of this is, my original Droid finally became unusable and had to be replaced Dec 31st. The refurbished Droid so far only shows one quirk my first one didn't but hopefully that won't affect testing since the issue is only during booting.