

Mar 24, 2011
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I am freshly rooted, and I downloaded setcpu, then deleted it and moved on to droid overclock app. I have set some profiles, but im not real knowledgeable with this, can someone please help me? I don't know what the governors feature is, and wanting to know what is the default android runs. High and low. And also what is recommended profiles to set and how to use the priority part aswell. Thanks in advance!

sent from my freshly rooted droid 2 global using droidforums app
Update, now instead I have milestone and want to know what's highest can run safely. Also with this app it doesn't let u set high and low, only one. So does that mean it constantly runs at whatever u have it on? Thanks

I am very curious to know how to restore my mhz that im running to default, back to how was before I ever overclocked and such.

sent from my freshly rooted droid 2 global using droidforums app
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Each device is different so, no one can really say what your phone can do honestly. You'll know if its not stable at a certain speed, just takes experimenting to find your phone's "sweet spot" so to speak.
What app are you using?

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Each device is different so, no one can really say what your phone can do honestly. You'll know if its not stable at a certain speed, just takes experimenting to find your phone's "sweet spot" so to speak.
What app are you using?

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I have tried setcpu, droid overclock, and now I have milestone installed. I am wondering how I can make it go back to its normal...as if I had never changed the speed.

Also, anymore knowledge about this topic u can pass on to me I would greatly appreciate it.
sent from my freshly rooted droid 2 global using droidforums app
If you use droid overclock go to set scaling frequency and click revert to stock settings. You will be back to normal. Droid overclock I found to be way better than milestone. Just my 2cents though. Also with d2 overclock when I reboot the phone it goes back to stock unless I set it to apply at boot which can mess with your phone if you don't know what you're doing (I don't). Also in the same app there is a help section that describes the governers nicely. I have conservative enabled (in settings). It is better on my battery, but every phone is different

Sent from my rooted DROID2
I think in milestone too you can just turn off the profile but I'm not sure.

Sent from my rooted DROID2
Ok so what do you (all that use jrummys droid overclock app) do about the 5th cpu that d2g has but the app only has 4cpu settings? In setcpu you can load custom frequencies up, but I read on a thread that it doesn't actually overclock it?
I didn't know about the 5th cpu setting. This app my not work on the global then. I'm not sure. Check with other global users. You can at least try clicking the revert to stock option to see if that helps

Sent from my rooted DROID2
Well, I've read that droid overclock has an experimental module that can handle the 5th processor...but, I have yet to find it....and, I have yet to use another oc app that has done anything besides overheat my battery and kill the life span of it as well....even after making my own freq list that has 5 stages, set cpu seemed to do nothing...at all....
As far as my tinkering goes, there is nothing you can do for the 5th slot. QuickClock actually works better for me than jrummy's app (I use droid OC for the other features anyway :p). One downside I saw is that neither quickclock or Droid OC change the first slot. Undervolting the cpu does nothing, because the system will still be using the first slot as stock voltage/300 mhz, and the 2nd slot that is normally 600 gets rewritten as your undervolted 300.

So in my experiences, trying to undervolt the Global is fruitless :/ Overclocking is iffy, I can manage 1300 but it is stable for only a few minutes.
You can load your own into setcpu and have it go 200000,400000,600000,800000,1000000 and save it as a txt file and put it on ur sd card, and it will have all 5 underclockable settings in its slidebar(for adjusting the freq) but, idk if it truely does anything but mess w it in a negative way, by negative I mean bad not negative as lower, which would be good... ..when I tried using quickclock advanced 1.7(I believe) , it said that the custom oc kernal(the stock d2g one) couldn't be unloaded or overwritten(sorry, that can't be correct grammar, lol) ...and that oc kernal is 1.2, and if u look in jrummy oc app, on the side tab u can scroll and see all the cpu slots, on slot 4 it jumps from 64v on the first 3 to 4032v and on slot 5 it just has the 1200cpu and n/a volatage.... ...man im really starting to hate my d2g....alot
Well, I've read that droid overclock has an experimental module that can handle the 5th processor...but, I have yet to find it....and, I have yet to use another oc app that has done anything besides overheat my battery and kill the life span of it as well....even after making my own freq list that has 5 stages, set cpu seemed to do nothing...at all....

So basically it sounds like over/under clocking the global is useless? Is that correct or not.

sent from my freshly rooted droid 2 global using droidforums app
Im not 100% sure, but, overclocking is a moot point...completely worthless, if anything, more harmful than good...unless setcpu DOES bump the stock oc kernal and put the updated txt file as the cpu's frequencies...which, it didn't seem to do to me...when I had it loaded, I opened droidoc and was just using it to view what my cpu was running and it was still 1200, ....as far as underclocking...I think it may still help...havnt messed w it cuz I have 3 batteries and don't need to...but when I did try for s's and g's it made my battery COOK...idk if that's because of the cpu scaling is missing out on one slot or what, but...idk....I can live w my phone stock speed....I ran my d2@ 1200 and with everything frozen I don't use...its quick enough for me to live w, no matter what my usage situation....I usually just use my phone as a browser on the go, music, and of course as a phone...of course I use other stuff, but those 3 things r what use 90% of my phone time
Well I happen to be fairly new at rooting/overclocking (first smartphone) and after reading all of the replys I am disappointed to find out that overclocking my global is useless!! So for sure using setcpu or similar solely wont help me? It will just harm my processor? No app made to use esp on the global since the others are useless from what I have heard.

sent from my freshly rooted droid 2 global using droidforums app