What people don't seem to understand is the meaning of bandwidth. Bandwidth, is the scope of signal frequency used in transmission, has little to do with speed or data usage as you may know it. A more accurate word in this case would be Throughput, is the ammount of data you can push through the pipe at any given time. Sure it's limited but Verizon owns their own circuits. They are an ISP after all. No one sends them a larger bill when their customers use 5GB as opposed to 500MB. It doesn't cost the company a single extra penny to pass more data from one month to the next. Now imagine a feature like speedboost (offered by COX) which for a moment increases your individual throughput. Something like that can cost extra money because one guy is taking up more of the pipe than the next at that given moment. Think of the internet as an endless pipe. Verizon doesn't pay for the length of the pipe they use, they pay for how thick their portion of the pipe is.
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