Petition for important Apps on ANDROID! SIGN NOW!

finally our goal is reached ! 1000 signs now. i think thats enaugh. i will contact zod later this day and send him the link to the petition. i will give you feedback as soon as possible.
zod finally replied :


Sorry for the delay in responding. I've been keeping track of the petitiononline. I saw it broke 1000 and am really impressed!
I am about to try to get my Nexus One back from @c0z (Nicole of AndroidGuys and other sites) as she is local to me and I let her use the phone.
If she can't give it back right away I will need to purchase another one which will sort-of suck. But I will get on it. :)

Thanks for the support! Some of the notes left in the signatures we're really nice too. I really appreciate it! :)
Sweeeeeeeeeeet! If it happens, if it REALLY happens....

*I actually don't know WHAT I'd do....but I'm figgin' excited!
Vlc yes we need it we want it!!!

Vlc yes we need it we want it!!!
#1,224!! I'd definitely love to have VLC on the droid, the main reason I dont watch videos and stuff on my droid is because I dont feel like converting 0.7 TB of media, vlc would definitely change that and make it even better since I could freely stream stuff from my pc to my droid.
What is holding up the development? Is it really over the cost of a phone? Because I could see these things generating a ton more money than the cost of the phone.

If it is over $600, then PM me, I think we can work things out. I am a techie, but not into programming, and have access to funding.
I imagine it would be time and/or money constraints. I havent done any android app programming (yet!) and would assume that an android based phone isnt absolutely necessary to develop apps but would definitely help in the testing/debugging phase.