PEv4.2... Blacked Out.. Screenshots...

Just posted a "Blacked Out" WinAmp............
followed directions and im getting thrown into a boot-loop. any ideas?
How are you installing? How did you download the theme?
i figured it out, it was such a noob mistake that i don't even want to say why. lol but i got it running and it looks good man. dancedroid
Ok, glad you got it... don't worry about it, we were all there once...:)
Don't really know how that happened... have you installed another market for some reason?
Just took a look at my file and for some reason I didn't put it in.... Just click in my sig and go to my section and get the market. I have it as a separate zip....
I just installed this and have to say it is one of the best looking themes ever! I just installed PE 4.2, and one of the first things I did after installing was this theme. But I just noticed something about it. I just noticed that I lost 3G for a minute (don't worry I am not saying it was due to the theme :) ) and instead of it saying 1X it says 1G. Not really an issue for me, but just something I thought you might want to know about. As soon as I get time I am going to send ya a little something so you can go buy a few drinks dancedroid

*** ok I'm a moron. I just noticed that you themed it to say 1G ;)
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When Installing theme, it deletes clock app...

I don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but when I install this theme it deletes the clock app and the gallery won't load the pictures on my phone, thankfully with PE I can just install the alt deskclock from PE settings and everything works fine, including gallery... I know strange. I just wanted to give a heads up that something isn't working quite right when Blacked out installs, at least for me.

Other than that, Thanks for the Awesome theme, I love it!