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Phone and Tablet List Known to be Getting Updates to Jelly Bean

Yay!! the nexus is getting it!!

Of course. [video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO7I31VwUYg[/video]
The advantage of the nexus is knowing that every time one of those lists come up you will be on it for at least 2 years. This is partly the reason why I am hesitant on buying a motorola device unless it is a nexus.

As far as the rezound that is a bummer because the specs can handle jb. Maybe it may be because of sense 3.6.
Can't wait for it on my S3. I already have it on CM10 for my GTab 2.. I love Google now on it but could get more use with it on my phone.

Sent from my unlocked GTab 2 running CM10
Can't wait for it on my S3. I already have it on CM10 for my GTab 2.. I love Google now on it but could get more use with it on my phone.

Sent from my unlocked GTab 2 running CM10

Here you go.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
ExodusC said:
Pretty awesome that Samsung intends to update not only the S3, but the S2 to JB. They seem to do a good job eventually putting out updates, even if it takes forever.

I'm honestly surprised Motorola is updating the RAZR series to JB- they're notorious for abandoning phones.

Sony also does a good job with their upgrades- if some of the 2011 line gets JB, that would be awesome. I'm a bit sad they had to abandon the Xperia Play on Gingerbread, but I can understand that, I guess. They prioritized the gaming experience first, which on both their beta ICS ROM and the aftermarket ROMs like CM9, it's clear gaming performance and compatibility took a hit. Not to mention the thing has something like 512MB of internal memory for both the OS and applications.

HTC... HTC is slipping. The Rezound JUST got ICS yesterday. I think they owe it to their Rezound adopters to push out a JB upgrade, but they're withdrawing from markets, and their revenue predictions for the future have looked grim.

If this is correct, then I'm upset and offended that they (Motorola) didn't consider the Bionic for the JB update! It's basically the same phone as the Razr, and has thus far been running ICS far better than the Razr! They have never stopped giving the Bionic the cold shoulder. This makes absolutely no sense to me...

Sent from my ICED. 235 DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums
The Rezound deserves JB, but after playing with the nexus 7, ics and jb really aren't that different. Just smother (project butter)
Hey DG, just curious...where did the info for these phones/tabs come from? Was it a compilation of the various manufacturers' websites, or else-wise? I am most curious (as you would expect) regarding the RAZRs.

Sorry it took so long to get back with you FoxKat. Yes... it was a compilation of several different sources. Please understand everyone, that none of this is set in stone, and of course the OEMs are subject to change without notice. Still, from the info I could cull, most of the smart money suggests this info is spot on. One or two things may change, but the worst part is simply that we have no idea how long any of it will actually take.

Also, as I said in the article. This is not all-inclusive. Just because you don't see it on the list, does not mean it won't get Jelly Bean. These are just the known quantities at this point. Keep your fingers cross that your device will be added to the list later.
Kenyon1 said:
The Rezound deserves JB, but after playing with the nexus 7, ics and jb really aren't that different. Just smother (project butter)

Except for google now. That imo makes in really worth it. If my phone doesn't get an official one, I'll root to get that feature.
Nice... I like functionality I've heard so far about jb but the style doesn't seem that great from what I've seen
I am very surprised that Motorola will not be pushing the update for the Bionic:confused:. However, nothing is set on stone yet. Having said that, how long we'll have to wait to get the update:mad:. Maybe years...... Get to it Motorola.. That's how you get customers respect...

Send from Droid RAZR MAXX
And the Transformer Pad TF300 now has Jelly Bean! I can definitely tell a difference in the smoothness of the tablet, which is really saying something since it was incredibly smooth on ICS.