Phone Bricked? HTC Incredible


New Member
Sep 4, 2011
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i posted this over on XDA but a friend suggested i posted here.

ok so heres the story, its kinda long so i might include cliff notes at bottom.

i have an htc incredible, verizon branded. i was trying to flash it over to boost for my son to use, he has one of those crappy sanyo phones. i did all the reading of the "donor" phone and even installed the NV465,466,1192,1194 files onto the incredible. i was at the stage of changing the meid to the one from the donor phone. it wouldnt take the meid and i went to get up from my chair to take a break. when i stood up the phone fell and unpluged from the usb cable and hit the floor, battery came out. well when i went to plug in the phone in again i couldnt/cant get past the "htc incredible" white screen. it seems to be stuck in an endless cycle, but if i hold the power and optical center key i can get to the boot menu. nothing in the boot menu works. i have tried everything fastboot, bootloader, reboot, reboot bootloader, hboot, recovery, clear storage, simlock, factory reset and even plugging the usb cable in does nothing. i can see the phone in my devise drivers but can not get anything to load via usb. i have tried ruu, nothing special rom(dont know that it would work since its not rooted) on sd card and nothing seems to be working. is there anything i can do? or did i just make a brick?

here is the thread so you can see whats been done to try and help. i was told it was soft bricked and could be repaired.

[Q] phone bricked? htc incredible - xda-developers

cliff notes: flashing htc incredible to boost, phone stuck in endless "htc incredible" loop. need help
My eris is doing kindof the same..but your dropping I doubt did it, probably the programming...just use the root method and install firmware again or whatever it sorry I'm working on how to use mine to fix it..

My D2 is miles ahead of me running Cm7GB(OTAkernel)
My eris is doing kindof the same..but your dropping I doubt did it, probably the programming...just use the root method and install firmware again or whatever it sorry I'm working on how to use mine to fix it..

My D2 is miles ahead of me running Cm7GB(OTAkernel)

I don't think the drop, as in hitting the desk, but more that the battery came out mid programming.

How would I go about reinstalling anything if I can't get it to see the file on the sd card or be recognized by the computer? Except for RUU that I've already run to no avail?
Yeah man..I'm unsure about the whole htc thing..that's why I was saying I have the basic same but, your able to get to recovery? Not stock recovery but your alternate? If you can wipe data and all cache and dalvick I would try to restore a backup, or load another ROM...maybe it you have one saved?

My D2 is miles ahead of me running Cm7GB(OTAkernel)
Nevermind..I just realized you said you can't get to your sd? Sorry man! I really don't know enough about the htc's..wish I did...there has to be a way though for you through the adb/sdk I'm not sure how those work...there is some youtube vids though that may help...I'm knowledgeable in motorola only...

My D2 is miles ahead of me running Cm7GB(OTAkernel)
Nevermind..I just realized you said you can't get to your sd? Sorry man! I really don't know enough about the htc's..wish I did...there has to be a way though for you through the adb/sdk I'm not sure how those work...there is some youtube vids though that may help...I'm knowledgeable in motorola only...

My D2 is miles ahead of me running Cm7GB(OTAkernel)

Well I was advised by a friend to post here and see if I can get some help. If not I guess I'll take it to a shop and pay, ugh. I don't want to but if I can't do it and no one has any solutions guess I have no choice.